Branding the appearance
An important strategy for developing, promoting, and sustaining your cloud authentication service is the promotion of your brand in the marketplace.
Your account manager determines whether you can customize the appearance of your service.
STA includes many options for customizing and branding the service you deliver to your subscribers:
Login pages: Customize the colors, images, and text on the login pages for users who request access to applications that use STA as the identity provider, and for operators who log in to the STA consoles
Fonts: Customize font type, color, and weight.
Colors: Apply colors to pages, tables, and input fields on the self-service and enrollment web pages.
Buttons: Select from a range of graphic buttons, use HTML buttons, or upload your own buttons for use on all pages.
Logos: Apply your logo to the STA consoles, self-service site, and enrollment pages. Add background images to the self-service and enrollment pages.
Email and SMS messages: These messages can be customized to use text or HTML, and to include graphics and hyperlinks.
If branding is inherited from a parent account or service provider, you can customize only the product and organization names. For more information, see Branding inheritance.
Customize fonts
You can customize the fonts that are used in page titles and tables.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Fonts.
Select the Font family.
Select the remaining font options as required.
Your settings are applied to the Sample text for preview.
Select Apply
Customize colors
You can customize the colors that are used for the page background, header rows, borders, cells, tabs, and modules.
These colors are used on the STA Token Management console:
These colors are also used on the logon page:
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Colors.
Specify the colors using standard names (such as red, green, blue, and so on) or use hex values (such as #F80000, #CC6600, and so on).
Select Apply.
Customize buttons
You can customize the button color, button text, and button hover text.
To use custom graphic buttons, first upload the button in the Custom Logo Images module, and then return to the Custom Buttons module and select the options. Buttons must be 120 x 28 pixels in PNG, JPG, or GIF format.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Buttons.
Select a button color option:
To use the default button colors, select Default.
To use a preset button color, select the corresponding radio button.
To specify the button color, enter a color name (such as red) or a HEX value (such as #F80000).
Customize the button text and button hover text as required.
Select Apply.
Customize logo images
You can upload custom images for the console logo, enrollment page background, console background, buttons, and alert icon.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Logo Images.
Select the images:
Custom Console Logo must be no larger than 400 x 100 pixels in PNG, JPG, or GIF format. The custom console logo displays on the STA console.
The recommended background size is 1800 x 1100 pixels in PNG, JPG, or GIF format. To maintain page loading speed, the image size should be less than 50 kB.
Custom Button must be 120 x 28 pixels in PNG, JPG, or GIF format.
Alert Icon must be 30 x 30 pixels in PNG, JPG, or GIF format.
Select Upload.
To remove a custom image and use the default image, select the X to the right of any custom image or upload a new image.
Customize titles
You can customize the title on the STA console logon page. However, you can customize the title on the self-enrollment page only if branding is not inherited.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Titles.
Enter the titles and then select Apply.
Customize field labels
You can modify the custom field labels that are displayed on the STA consoles.
User Custom: Refers to the custom field labels displayed in Virtual Servers > User Detail and in user-related reports and tables. For example, change Custom #1 to an employee number or other identifier that links reports and user information in STA to the external system.
Account Custom: Refers to the custom field labels displayed in On-Boarding > Accounts Detail and in account-related reports and tables. For example, change Custom #1 to an account number or other identifier that links reports and customer information in STA to the external system.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Labels.
Modify the custom labels as required, and then select Apply.
Customize the product name
You can change all occurrences of the default product name (SafeNet Trusted Access) that are used in email and SMS templates.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Product Name.
Enter the Custom Product Name and then select Apply.
Customize the organization name
You can change all occurrences of the default organization name that are used in email and SMS templates.
The organization name is used only with Push OTP, and is included in the login request details on a user’s mobile device. By default, the organization name is the Account Name that is displayed on the STA consoles.
On the STA Token Management console, select Comms > Custom Branding > Custom Organization Name.
Enter the Custom Organization Name and then select Apply.