Account management reports
Reports can be customized, scheduled, and automatically delivered to recipients or viewed and downloaded through the STA Token Management console.
The service provider reporting engine provides an extensive range of usage, compliance, inventory management, and billing reports.
You can also view subscriber metrics.
Account managers can also access the following account management reports:
Automatically remove reports
Reports can be automatically removed after a configurable number of days. However, the source data is retained and the reports can be regenerated.
On the STA Token Management console, select Administration > Auto Remove.
Enter the number of days after which the reports are removed.
1: (Minimum) Removes reports that are more than one day old.
365: (Default) Removes reports that are more than one year old.
1826: (Maximum) Removes reports that are more than five years old.
In the STA Classic service zone, reports that are more than one year old are removed even if this value exceeds 365 (days).
Click Apply.
Account Manager - Roles
Class: Account Management
Fields in Report |
Returns: |
Role Name |
String |
Role Description |
String |
Last Modified |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Modified by |
String |
Module |
String (Tab Name: Module Name) |
Permissions |
Account Manager - with Static Passwords (Internal)
Lists Account Managers with Static Password logon credentials.
Class: Account Management
Fields in Report |
Returns: |
UserID |
String |
Logon ID |
String |
Last Name |
String |
First Name |
String |
Status |
Scope |
String |
Account Manager Activity - Detail
Lists Operator activity in chronological order over last N days.
Class: Compliance
- During last: N days
Fields in Report |
Returns: |
Timestamp |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
UserID |
String |
Action Type |
String |
Result |
Action Data |
String |
Account Manager Activity - Logons
Reports Operator logons in chronological order over last N days.
Class: Compliance
- During last: N days
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Timestamp | yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
UserID | String |
LogonID | String |
UserID | String |
SourceIP |
String |
Credential Type |
Token S/N |
Result |
Message |
String |
Account Manager List - Detail
Lists Account Managers, role, scope, access restrictions and last logon.
Class: Account Management
Fields in Report | Returns: |
UserID |
String |
LogonID |
String |
Last Name |
String |
First Name |
String |
Status |
Created On |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Role |
String |
Scope |
String |
Start Date |
End Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
Days |
Account Summary
Reports Account Service Status and Capacities.
Class: Account Management
Account Name
Child only
Service Type
Minimum Capacity
Fields in Report |
Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Service Type |
Evaluation |
Start date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Stop date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Management Group |
String |
Capacity |
Integer |
User Count |
Integer |
Token Count |
Integer |
Active Auth Methods |
Integer |
Parent Account |
String |
STA Status |
STA Class |
STA Activated |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
STA Expires |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Alert History
Selection Criteria: Reports all alerts and alert status
Class: Security Policy
- Date Range
- Start Date
- Current Month
- Last X Months: 1-12 default=1
- Service Type
Fields in Report |
Returns: |
Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Alert ID |
Integer |
Account |
String |
Message |
String |
Acknowledged On |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Acknowledged By |
String |
Acknowledged Comment |
String |
Closed On |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Closed By |
String |
Closed Comment |
String |
Removed On |
Value yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Removed By |
String |
Account Activation Report
Summarizes changse to active users by account.
Class: Billing
Child only
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Year |
String |
Month |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Active Users (Current Month) |
Integer |
Active Users (Previous Month) |
Integer |
Deactivated Users (Current Month) |
Integer |
New Activations (Current Month) |
Integer |
Allocated Tokens
Reports token totals by type (active or inactive).
Class: Account Management
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Parent |
String |
Active RB |
Integer |
Active KT |
Integer |
Active MP |
Integer |
Active GrID |
Integer |
Active RSA |
Integer |
Active OATH |
Integer |
SMS Credits Used |
Integer |
Inactive RB |
Integer |
Inactive KT |
Integer |
Inactive MP |
Integer |
Inactive GrID |
Integer |
Inactive RSA |
Integer |
Inactive OATH |
Integer |
SMS Credits Inventory |
Integer |
Auth Nodes
Reports auth node information.
Class: Account Management
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns |
Account |
String |
Host Name |
String |
Agent Description |
String |
Resource Name | String |
Low IP Address in Range |
String |
High IP Address in Range |
String |
Use as RADIUS Node |
Value: No Yes |
Allow account lookup based on user name |
Value: No Yes |
Disable PIN change request |
Value: No Yes |
Enabled Realm Authentication |
Value: No Yes |
Parse Mode |
Value: First Found Last Found |
Realm Identifier |
String |
Remove Realm Suffice |
Value: No Yes |
Modified Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Parent Name |
String |
Authentication Metrics (Rolling YTD)
Reports total authentications per month (Rolling YTD).
Class: Account Management
Child only
All = Includes the parent and the whole sub-tree
Child = Includes the parent and only direct children
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Current Month (M) |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-1 (proper month name) |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-3 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value = yyyyy-mm |
Parent Account |
String |
Authentication Metrics Detailed (Rolling YTD)
Reports authentication metrics for day, wtd, mtd, and ytd periods.
Class: Account Management
Child only
All = Includes the parent and the whole sub-tree
Child = Includes the parent and only direct children
Fields in Report | Returns |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Parent |
String |
Today – Pass |
Integer |
Today – Fail |
Integer |
Today – Total |
Integer |
Week to date – Pass |
Integer |
Week to date – Fail |
Integer |
Week to date – Total |
Integer |
Month to date – Pass |
Integer |
Month to date- Fail |
Integer |
Month to date- Total |
Integer |
Year to date – Pass |
Integer |
Year to date – Fail |
Integer |
Year to date – Total |
Integer |
Last Year – Pass |
Integer |
Last Year – Fail |
Integer |
Billing - Detail
Billing detail by asset.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Transaction ID
Fields in Report | Returns |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Transaction ID |
Integer |
Transaction Type |
String |
Product |
String |
Number Activated |
Integer |
Number Transferred |
Integer |
Capacity |
Integer |
Provider |
String |
Allocation date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Billing Basis |
String |
Rate |
String |
Reference |
String |
Comment |
String |
Warranty Replacement |
String |
For Evaluation |
String |
Billing - Monthly Transaction Summary
Billing detail by transaction with asset totals in a given month.
Class: Billing
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Parent |
String |
RB |
Integer |
KT |
Integer |
MP |
Integer |
GrID |
Integer |
Integer |
Integer |
SMS Credits |
Integer |
Integer |
Capacity |
Integer |
Billing - Summary
Billing detail by transaction.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Transaction ID
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Transaction ID |
Integer |
Transaction Type |
Billing Basis |
Billing Start Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Rate |
String |
Reference |
String |
Comment |
String |
Warranty Replacement |
Value: No Yes |
Type |
Capacity |
Integer |
Allocation date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Total Units |
Integer |
Billing - Transaction Logs, by Account
Reports transactions between specified dates.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Start date range
End date range
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Transaction ID |
Integer |
Reference |
String |
Allocated by |
String |
Allocation Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Quantity |
Integer |
Type |
Product |
Capacity |
Integer |
Parent Name |
String |
Billing - Transaction Log, by Account, Detailed
Reports transactions by account.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Start date range
End date range
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Transaction ID |
Integer |
Reference |
String |
Allocated by |
String |
Allocation Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Type |
Serial Number |
String |
Product |
Capacity |
Integer Total capacity in transaction (not total per unit per transaction) |
Parent Name |
String |
Billing - Users by Custom Field
Selection Criteria: Reports users across in child accounts, filtered by Custom#1 field
Class: Billing
- Custom#1
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
UserID |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom Field 3 |
String |
Token Type |
String |
Evaluation |
Dormant Accounts
Lists accounts with no authentications in N days.
Class: Account Management
Period: Enter an integer. Default value is 30 days.
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Service Type |
Evaluation |
Start date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Stop date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Capacity |
Integer |
Token Count |
Integer |
Active Auth Methods |
Integer |
Parent Account |
String |
Expired Accounts
Selection Criteria: Lists account with expired service dates.
Class: Account Management
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Service Type |
Evaluation |
Start date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Stop date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Capacity |
Integer |
Token Count |
Integer |
Active Auth Methods |
Integer |
Parent Account |
String |
Expiring Accounts
Selection Criteria: Lists account with service expiring in N days
Class: Account Management
Expiring within:
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Service Type |
Evaluation |
Start date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Stop date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Capacity |
Integer |
Token Count |
Integer |
Active Auth Methods |
Integer |
Parent Account |
String |
Service Metrics - Average Authentications per User (Rolling YTD)
Reports average authentications/user by account type (rolling YTD).
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Class: Service Metrics
Service Type: All, Subscriber, Virtual Service Provider
Evaluation: All, Yes, No
Fields in Report | Returns |
Current Month (M) |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-1 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
Service Metrics - Total Active Users per Month (Rolling YTD)
Reports total active users by account type (rolling YTD).
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Class: Service Metrics
Service Type: All, Subscriber, Virtual Service Provider
Evaluation: All, Yes, No
Child Only: All, Child Only
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account |
String |
Plan | Value:
Custom #1 | String |
Custom #2 | String |
Custom #3 | String |
Current Month (M) |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-1 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-3 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value: yyyyy-mm |
Id |
Unique Account ID |
Service Metrics - Total Authentications per Month (Rolling YTD)
Reports average authentications/user by account type (rolling YTD).
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Class: Service Metrics
Service Type: All, Subscriber, Virtual Service Provider
Evaluation: All, Yes, No
Fields in Report | Returns |
Current Month (M) |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-1 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
Service Metrics - Total Subscribed Accounts (Rolling YTD)
Reports total number of subscribed accounts (rolling YTD).
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Class: Service Metrics
Service Type: All, Subscriber, Virtual Service Provider
Evaluation: All, Yes, No
Fields in Report | Returns |
Current Month (M) |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-1 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
Service Metrics - Total Subscribed Capacity (Rolling YTD)
Reports total quantity of subscribed capacity (rolling YTD)
Metrics are updated on the first day of each month, therefore the current month metrics are not available until the first day of the next month.
Class: Service Metrics
Service Type: All, Subscriber, Virtual Service Provider
Evaluation: All, Yes, No
Fields in Report | Returns |
Current Month (M) |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-1 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-2 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-4 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-5 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-6 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-7 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-8 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-9 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-10 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
M-11 |
Value yyyyy-mm |
SIM Provisioning
All SIM provisioning tasks (This report is not available unless licensed for SAE).
Class: Asset Management
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns |
Task ID |
Integer |
Integer |
Slot # |
Integer |
User Name |
String |
Serial |
String |
State |
Integer |
Failed attempt count |
Integer |
Result |
Integer |
OTA Server Message |
String |
SIM Slot Information
Information on SIM cards with a token provisioned. (This report is not available unless licensed for SAE).
Class: Asset Management
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns |
Integer |
Slot # |
Integer |
Serial |
String |
Token Type |
String |
Slot State |
Integer |
Description |
String |
SMS Message Report
Reports the number of SMS message sent in a time period.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Account Custom#1 |
String |
Account Custom#2 |
String |
Account Custom#3 |
String |
Month |
Integer |
Integer |
SMS/Alerts and Messages |
Integer |
SMS Message Report - Detailed
Details of SMS message sent in a time period.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Messages in:
Current Month
Last Month
Last 3 Months
Last Year
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Account Custom#1 |
String |
Account Custom#2 |
String |
Account Custom#3 |
String |
Time |
Value |
Message Type |
String |
UserID |
String |
Sent To |
Integer |
Gateway |
String |
Token Assignment Report
Summarizes changes to token inventory.
Class: Billing
Account Name
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Year |
Integer |
Month |
Integer |
Account Custom#1 |
String |
Account Custom#2 |
String |
Account Custom#3 |
String |
Token Type |
String |
Token Inventory Start of Month |
Integer |
Token Inventory End of Month |
Integer |
Deallocation during period |
Integer |
Allocation during period |
Integer |
Tokens - by Account
Reports total tokens by type and state by account.
Class: Asset Management
Child only
All = All accounts in tree
Child = Only on-boarded accounts
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Token Type |
State |
Count |
Integer |
Tokens - by Account, Detail
Reports token detail by account.
Class: Asset Management
Token Type
Child only
- Toggle (default = child only)
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name |
String |
Custom#1 |
String |
Custom#2 |
String |
Custom#3 |
String |
Serial Number |
String |
Type |
In-Service date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Activated Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
State |
Last Auth Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Total Auth |
Integer |
Allocation Date |
Value: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss xM (AM or PM) |
Allocation Type |
Transaction ID |
Integer |
Reference |
String |
Allocated by |
String |
Token by Serial Number Range
This report lists tokens by serial number range.
Class: Asset Management
From serial #
To serial #
Start date range
End date range
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Allocated to | String |
Allocated from | String |
Account Custom#1 | String |
Account Custom#2 | String |
Account Custom#3 | String |
Serial # | String |
Type | String |
Allocation Date | Date |
Transaction ID | Integer |
Reference | String |
Allocated by | String |
Allocated by Account | String |
Allocation Type | String |
User and Token Count by Container
Selection Criteria: Number of user and tokens in each container for child accounts
Class: Billing
Filters: --
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name | String |
Custom#1 | String |
Container Name | String |
User Count | Integer |
Token Count | Integer |
Users by Container
Selection Criteria: List of all users by container for child accounts
Class: Billing
Filters: --
Fields in Report | Returns: |
Account Name | String |
Custom#1 | String |
Container Name | String |
User Name | String |
First Name | String |
Last Name | String |
String | |
Serial | String |