Reference guides
This section describes the APIs that are exposed by the React Native SDK.
The following methods are available:
- registerUser
- deregisterUser
- authenticateUser
- authenticateUserImplicitly
- logout
- submitPin
- changePin
- getAuthenticatedUserProfile
- getUserProfiles
- getRedirectUri
- handleRegistrationCallback
- startSingleSignOn
- getAllAuthenticators
- getRegisteredAuthenticators
- setPreferredAuthenticator
- registerAuthenticator
- submitFingerprintAcceptAuthenticationRequest
- submitFingerprintDenyAuthenticationRequest
- submitFingerprintFallbackToPin
Mobile authentication
- enrollMobileAuthentication
- acceptMobileAuthConfirmation
- denyMobileAuthConfirmation
- handleMobileAuthWithOtp
When a user is enrolled for mobile authentication, they are able to receive and respond to mobile authentication requests. This method accepts the mobile authentication request. See Mobile authentication and Mobile authentication with OTP for more details.
.then(() => {
console.log('Accept mobile auth success! ')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Accept mobile auth failed: ', error.message)
The SDK uses events to communicate changes in the current state.
Example code - add event listeners
Listeners for a specific event can be added with the following functions and are described in their corresponding topic guides.
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
eventType | SdkNotification | Name of the event e.g. Events.PinEvent |
callback | (event: Events.SdkEvent) => void | Callback function |
interface NativeMethods {
eventType: Events.SdkNotification.Pin,
callback?: (event: Events.PinNotificationEvent) => void,
): EmitterSubscription;
eventType: Events.SdkNotification.CustomRegistration,
callback?: (event: Events.CustomRegistrationNotificationEvent) => void,
): EmitterSubscription;
eventType: Events.SdkNotification.MobileAuthOtp,
callback?: (event: Events.MobileAuthOtpNotificationEvent) => void,
): EmitterSubscription;
eventType: Events.SdkNotification.Fingerprint,
callback?: (event: Events.FingerprintNotificationEvent) => void,
): EmitterSubscription;
// ...
Example code - handling pinEvent
Handling the events with a switch allows for automatic type inference of the events.
const handleNotification = useCallback(
async (event: Events.PinEvent) => {
console.log('handle PIN notification event: ', event);
// Handling the events with a switch on the event.action will result in type inference.
switch (event.action) {
case Events.Pin.Open:
await handleOpen(event);
case Events.Pin.Close:
case Events.Pin.IncorrectPin:
case Events.Pin.PinNotAllowed:
[handleOpen, setConfirmState, handleError, setInitialState],
useEffect(() => {
const listener = OnewelcomeSdk.addEventListener(
return () => {
}, [handleNotification]);
Example code - event signatures
export type SdkEvent =
| PinCreateEvent
| PinAuthenticationEvent
| CustomRegistrationEvent
| FingerprintEvent
| MobileAuthOtpEvent
| RegistrationURLEvent;
// Pin
export type PinCreateEvent =
| PinCreateCloseEvent
| PinCreateOpenEvent
| PinNotAllowedEvent;
export type PinAuthenticationEvent =
| PinAuthenticationCloseEvent
| PinAuthenticationOpenEvent
| IncorrectPinEvent;
// Create Pin
export type PinCreateCloseEvent = {
action: PinCreate.Close;
flow: PinFlow.Create;
export type PinCreateOpenEvent = {
flow: PinFlow.Create;
action: PinCreate.Open;
profileId: string;
pinLength: number;
export type PinNotAllowedEvent = {
flow: PinFlow.Create;
action: PinCreate.PinNotAllowed;
errorType: number;
errorMsg: string;
// Authentication Pin
export type PinAuthenticationCloseEvent = {
action: PinAuthentication.Close;
flow: PinFlow.Authentication;
export type PinAuthenticationOpenEvent = {
flow: PinFlow.Authentication;
action: PinAuthentication.Open;
profileId: string;
export type IncorrectPinEvent = {
flow: PinFlow.Authentication;
action: PinAuthentication.IncorrectPin;
errorType: number;
errorMsg: string;
remainingFailureCount: number;
export type RegistrationURLEvent = {
url: string;
export type CustomRegistrationEvent =
| initRegistrationEvent
| finishRegistrationEvent;
export type initRegistrationEvent = {
action: CustomRegistration.InitRegistration;
identityProviderId: string;
customInfo?: {
data: string;
status: number;
export type finishRegistrationEvent = {
action: CustomRegistration.FinishRegistration;
identityProviderId: string;
customInfo?: {
data: string;
status: number;
export type MobileAuthOtpEvent =
| startOtpAuthenticationEvent
| finishOtpAuthenticationEvent;
export type startOtpAuthenticationEvent = {
action: MobileAuthOtp.StartAuthentication;
mobileAuthenticationRequest: {
message: string;
type: string;
transactionId: string;
signingData: string;
export type finishOtpAuthenticationEvent = {
action: MobileAuthOtp.FinishAuthentication;
mobileAuthenticationRequest: {
message: string;
type: string;
transactionId: string;
signingData: string;
export type FingerprintEvent =
| startFingerprintAuthenticationEvent
| onNextFingerprintAuthenticationAttemptEvent
| onFingerprintCapturedEvent
| finishFingerprintAuthenticationEvent;
export type startFingerprintAuthenticationEvent = {
action: Fingerprint.StartAuthentication;
userProfile: {
profileId: string;
export type onNextFingerprintAuthenticationAttemptEvent = {
action: Fingerprint.OnNextAuthenticationAttempt;
export type onFingerprintCapturedEvent = {
action: Fingerprint.OnFingerprintCaptured;
export type finishFingerprintAuthenticationEvent = {
action: Fingerprint.FinishAuthentication;
Your users can authenticate themselves using any authenticator registered to them. If a user is already authenticated when calling this function, they will be logged out and have to authenticate again.
It may be required to handle authentication with some additional action (PIN/Fingerprint) handling. Refer to addEventListener
for more information.
Property | Type | Description |
profileId | string | The profile ID for which you want to authenticate |
authenticatorId | string null | The authenticator that you want to use, uses preferred when null |
OneWelcomeSdk.authenticateUser(profileId, authenticatorId)
.then(authData => {
console.log('User authentication succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('User authentication failed!: ', error.message)
The device can be authenticated for anonymous resource calls with specific (or the default) scopes.
Property | Type | Description |
scopes | string[] | Set of scopes the client authentication is requested for |
.then(() => {
console.log('Device Authentication succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Device Authentication failed!: ', error.message)
You can use implicit authentication to authenticate users based on their client credentials. This means you can assume the user has successfully completed the registration process in the past. After authenticating implicitly, you can fetch resources that require implicit authentication. Implicit authentication requires no user interaction like asking for their PIN or fingerprint.
Property | Type | Description |
profileId | string | The profile ID you previously stored during registration |
scopes | string[] | An array of scopes the user will authenticate with (optional) |
OneWelcomeSdk.authenticateUserImplicitly(profileId, ['account-balance'])
.then(profile => {
console.log('User implicitl authentication succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('User implicitl authentication failed!: ', error.message)
You can call this method in order to cancel the PIN creation. If PIN creation is in progress, this will also cause the PinCreate.Close
event to be sent.
Canceling the PIN creation during the user registration or change PIN flows will cause these flows to be canceled.
If this method succeeds, it will cause the original promise that started the PIN creation to succeed.
cancelPinCreation(): Promise<void>;
This method cancels the browser registration flow. See user registration for more information.
This method should not be used when PIN creation has already started. Use the cancelPinCreation
method instead.
cancelBrowserRegistration(): Promise<void>;
You can call this method in order to cancel any custom registration flow that is currently active.
This method cancels any custom registration flow that is active. See User registration for more information.
Property | Type | Description |
message | string | The error message that will get relayed back to the rejection of the registerUser (only on Android) |
This method should not be used when PIN creation has already started. Use the cancelPinCreation
method instead.
cancelCustomRegistration(message: string): Promise<void>;
You can call this method in order to cancel the PIN authentication. If PIN authentication is in progress, this will also cause the PinAuthentication.Close
event to be sent.
Canceling the PIN creation during user authentication or change PIN flows will cause these flows to be canceled.
cancelPinAuthentication(): Promise<void>;
Once authenticated, a user is able to change their PIN. This method starts the flow. For further actions refer to ChangePIN
for more details.
.then(() => {
console.log('Change Pin action succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Change Pin action failed!: ', error.message)
When a user is enrolled for mobile authentication, they are able to receive and respond to mobile authentication requests. This method declines the mobile authentication request.
.then(() => {
console.log('Accept mobile auth success! ')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Accept mobile auth failed: ', error.message)
Used to deregister an authenticator for the currently authenticated user.
Property | Type | Description |
type | string | The ID of the authenticator you want to deregister |
.then(() => {
console.log('Register Authenticator succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Register Authenticator failed!: ', error.message)
Deregistration is the process of removing a user (profile) from the device and server.
Property | Type | Description |
profileId | string | The profile that you want to deregister |
.then(() => console.log('Deregister succeed!'))
.catch(error => console.error('Deregister failed: ', error.message))
Authenticated users can enroll for mobile authentication, allowing them to execute mobile authentication with OTP. See the mobile authentication and mobile authentication with OTP topics for more information.
.then(() => {
console.log('Enroll success! ')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Enroll failed: ', error.message)
This method returns the current access token if authenticated.
.then((token) => {
console.log('Current accessToken', token)
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error: ', error.message)
Used to get an array of authenticators available for a specific user.
Property | Type | Description |
profileId | string | The profile for which you want to retrieve all authenticators |
getAllAuthenticators(profileId: string): Promise<Authenticator[]>
.then(authenticators => {
console.log('getAllAuthenticators succeed: ', authenticators)
.catch(error => {
console.log('getAllAuthenticators failed!: ', error.message)
This method retrieves the currently authenticated user (profile).
Property | Type | Description |
authenticatedProfile | Profile | Currently authenticated user profile |
.then(profile => {
console.log('Authenticated Profile succeed! ', profile)
.catch(error => {
console.log('Authenticated Profile failed!: ', error.message)
This method returns the list of identity providers that are available in the IDAAS-core.
Property | Type | Description |
identityProviders | IdentityProvider[] | The list of identityProviders available in the IDAAS-core |
interface OneWelcomeSdk {
getIdentityProviders(): Promise<Types.IdentityProvider[]>;
OneWelcomeSdk.getIdentityProviders().then((identityProviders) => {
console.log('identityProviders: ', identityProviders);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('Error: ', error.message)
Returns the current redirect URI used in registration with a browser IdP. See Registration with browser IdP for more details.
.then((uri: string) => {
console.log('Redirect Uri succeed! ', uri)
.catch(error => {
console.log('Redirect Uri failed!: ', error.message)
Used to get an array of authenticators registered for a specific user.
Property | Type | Description |
profileId | string | The profile for which you want to get the registered authenticators |
.then(authenticators => {
console.log('getRegisteredAuthenticators succeed: ', authenticators)
.catch(error => {
console.log('getRegisteredAuthenticators failed!: ', error.message)
This method returns the resource BaseUrl as defined in the config so it can be used to as a path for a resourceRequest
const baseUrl = await OnewelcomeSdk.getResourceBaseUrl();
This method returns the list of registered user profiles on the device.
Property | Type | Description |
profiles | Profile[] | The list of registered user profiles |
.then((profiles) => {
console.log('Registered profiles: ', profile)
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error: ', error.message)
When a user is enrolled for mobile authentication, they are able to receive and respond to mobile authentication requests. This method responds to the mobile authentication with OTP request with an otpCode. See Mobile authentication with OTP for more details.
Property | Type | Description |
otpCode | string | One-time password code to be sent |
OneWelcomeSdk.handleMobileAuthWithOtp('base64 encoded OTP')
.then(() => {
console.log('Handle Mobile Auth with Otp succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Handle Mobile Auth with Otp failed!: ', error.message)
Used to pass the redirect URI, received from the browser registration, to the SDK.
Property | Type | Description |
uri | string | Registration URI |
useEffect(() => {
const handleOpenURL = (event: {url: string}) => {
if (event.url.substring(0, event.url.indexOf(':')) === redirectUri) {
const listener = Linking.addListener('url', handleOpenURL);
return () => {
if (listener) {
}, [redirectUri]);
For security reasons, it is always advisable to explicitly logout a user. The OneWelcome Identity Platform React Native SDK exposes the following function to do so.
.then(() => {
console.log('Logout succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Logout failed!: ', error.message)
Used to register a new authenticator for the currently authenticated user.
Property | Type | Description |
type | string | The ID of the authenticator you want to register. |
.then(() => {
console.log('Register Authenticator succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Register Authenticator failed!: ', error.message)
Before a user can authenticate using a PIN or fingerprint, a user will need to register with your IDAAS-core. Registration can be initiated using this method.
It may be required to handle registration with some additional action (PIN or fingerprint) handling. The SDK notifies the app about the state of the registration by the use of events. The application should listen for these using the addEventListener
Property | Type | Description |
identityProviderId | string null | Identity provider ID or null for default |
scopes (optional) | string[] | An array of scopes the user will register for |
.then(authData => {
console.log('Registration success! ')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Registration failed: ', error.message)
const handleNotification = useCallback(
async (event: any) => {
switch (event.action) {
case Events.PinNotification.Open:
await handleOpen(event.flow, event.profileId,;
case Events.PinNotification.Error:
handleError(event.errorMsg, event.userInfo ?? undefined);
case Events.PinNotification.Close:
[handleOpen, setConfirmState, handleError, setInitialState],
// The Flow of registration gets passed by events.
const listener = OnewelcomeSdk.addEventListener(
Resources can be fetched using user authentication, implicit authentication, or anonymous authentication.
Property | Type | Description |
type | ResourceRequestType | Request type User , ImplicitUser , Anonymous |
details | ResourcesDetails | Request details, such as method type ('GET') |
const baseUrl = await OnewelcomeSdk.getResourceBaseUrl();
const details = {
path: baseUrl + 'user-id-decorated',
method: ResourceMethod.GET
OneWelcomeSdk.resourceRequest('Anonymous', details)
.then(response => {
console.log('Resources request succeed! ')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Resources request failed!: ', error.message)
Used to get the preferred authenticator for the currently authenticated user.
Property | Type | Description |
authenticatorId | string | The authenticator ID that you want to set as a preferred authenticator |
.then(()) => {
console.log('setPreferredAuthenticator succeed!')
.catch(error => {
console.log('setPreferredAuthenticator failed!: ', error.message)
The first thing that needs to be done when the app starts is to initialize the OneWelcome Identity Platform React Native SDK. This will perform a few checks and report an error in case of any problems.
Property | Type | Description |
sdkConfig | Config | Config used for initializing the SDK |
const config: Types.Config = {
enableFingerprint: true,
enableMobileAuthenticationOtp: true,
customProviders: [
{id: '2-way-otp-api', isTwoStep: true},
{id: 'qr_registration', isTwoStep: false},
configModelClassName: null,
.then(() => console.log('Start succeed'))
.catch(error => console.log('Start failed: ', error.message))
Returns a single sign-on data object that allows you to continue the session in an external browser. Observable app behavior is a redirection of the user to a web app where the user is logged in.
Call the startSingleSignOn
with the target URI and wait for the result. In case of success, the SingleSignOnData
object will be returned.
const exampleUrl = ""
.then((it) => {
// open external browser
.catch(error) => {
Alert.alert('Error', error.message)
Method that allows you to submit the token for a custom registration with a custom identity provider.
Property | Type | Description |
identityProviderId | string | The ID of the identity provider for which you want to submit the token |
token | string | The token to be submitted |
).then(() => {
console.log('Token submit successfully');
}.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error: ' + error.message)
Submit accept for a fingerprint authorization request.
This method is Android only, because iOS handles this natively with the native prompt.
.then(() => {
console.log('Submit accept success!')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Submit accept failed: ', error.message)
Submit deny for a fingerprint authorization request.
This method is Android only, because iOS handles this natively with the native prompt.
.then(() => {
console.log('Submit deny success!')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Submit deny failed: ', error.message)
If fingerprint authorization can't be used, you can force the SDK to fallback to PIN.
This method is Android only, because iOS handles this natively with the native prompt.
.then(() => {
console.log('Fallback success! ')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Fallback failed: ', error.message)
stf_product: OneWelcome Identity Platform
Method that allows you to submit the PIN for PIN authentication or PIN creation.
Property | Type | Description |
flow | PinFlow | Current flow, such as 'authentication', 'create' |
pin | string | PIN |
Validates the supplied PIN against the PIN policy enforced by the IDAAS-core, the policy will be checked on the device and the PIN will never be sent over the internet.
.then(() => {
console.log('The pin is allowed!')
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error: ', error.message)