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OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect API
OAuth2 endpoints; OAuth allows an application to delegate end-user authentication and authorization to an OAuth Authorization Server (AS)/ OIDC OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Please note that the APIs from this specification can be accessible using either auth2.0 or oauth2 in the URL, so a request to /auth/oauth2.0/v1/authorize and /auth/oauth2/v1/authorize will produce the same result.
The authorization endpoint is used to interact with the resource owner and obtain an authorization grant. Use this endpoint to gather authorization from the resource owner when using the following flows: Authorization Code Grant, Authorization Code Grant with PKCE or Implicit Grant.
client_id required | string The client ID of the application that asks for authorization. |
response_type | string Enum: "code" "token" Response type: code or token |
redirect_uri | string Holds a URL. A successful response from this endpoint results in a redirect to this URL. |
scope | string A space-delimited list of permissions that the application requires. |
state | string An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client. |
nonce | string A value that is returned in the id_token. It is used to mitigate replay attacks. |
prompt | string The supported values are:
max_age | integer Maximum Authentication Age. Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the end-user was actively authenticated by the OP. If the elapsed time is greater than this value, the OP MUST attempt to actively re-authenticate the end-user. |
save_consent | boolean Used to decide whether to save the consent for later or not. |
decision | string Whether the resource owner consents to the requested access, or denies consent. Valid values are, allow or deny. |
acr_values | string Business rules which request for a level of authentication. |
code_challenge | string Using the code_verifier, generate a code_challenge. BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII("code_verifier" ))) == "code_challenge". |
code_challenge_method | string Method used to generate the code_challenge. It can be either plain or S256. |
id_token_hint | string ID Token previously issued by the Authorization Server being passed as a hint about the end-user’s current or past authenticated session with the Client. |
{ }
This endpoint returns access tokens, ID tokens, and refresh tokens, depending on the request parameters. For password, client credentials, and refresh token flows, calling /auth/oauth2.0/v1/access_token is the only step of the flow. For the authorization code flow, calling /auth/oauth2.0/v1/access_token is the second step of the flow. To make requests to this endpoint, you must include parameters in the request depending on the authentication method that the application is configured with. iWelcome supports the following authentication methods:
grant_type | string Grant type can be one of the followings: authorization_code, password, client_credentials, refresh_token. Determines the mechanism iWelcome uses to authorize the creation of the tokens. |
client_id | string Obtained during either manual client registration or via the Dynamic Client Registration API. It identifies the client and must match the value preregistered in iWelcome. |
client_secret | string Obtained during either manual client registration or via the Dynamic Client Registration API. |
redirect_uri | string Required if grant_type is authorization_code. Specifies the callback location where the authorization was sent. This value must match the redirect_uri used to generate the original authorization_code. |
state | string State to more correctly identify responses. |
code | string Required if grant_type is authorization_code. The value is what was returned from the authorization endpoint. |
scope | string Required if password is the grant_type. This is a list of scopes that the client wants to be included in the access token. For the refresh_token grant type, these scopes have to be a subset of the scopes used to generate the refresh token in the first place. |
username | string Required if the grant_type is password. |
password | string Required if the grant_type is password. |
refresh_token | string Required if grant_type is refresh_token. The value is a valid refresh token that was returned from this endpoint previously. |
code_verifier | string Required if grant_type is authorization_code and code_challenge was specified in the original/authorize request. This value is the code verifier for PKCE. iWelcome uses it to recompute the code_challenge and verify if it matches the original code_challenge in the authorization request. |
client_assertion_type | string This specifies the type of client assertion that’s passed. The value of the client_assertion_type parameter MUST be "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer". |
client_assertion | string The value of the client token obtained. |
{- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
Allows clients to terminate end-user sessions.
id_token_hint required | string Previously issued ID Token passed to the logout endpoint as a hint about the end-user's current authenticated session with the Client. This is used as an indication of the identity of the end-user that the RP is requesting to be logged out by the OP. The OP need not be listed as an audience of the ID Token when it is used as an id_token_hint value. |
post_logout_redirect_uri | string OPTIONAL. URL to which the RP is requesting that the end-user's User Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed. The value MUST have been previously registered with the OP, either using the post_logout_redirect_uris Registration parameter or via another mechanism. If supplied, the OP SHOULD honor this request following the logout. |
state | string OPTIONAL. Opaque value used by the RP to maintain state between the logout request and the callback to the endpoint specified by the post_logout_redirect_uri query parameter. If included in the logout request, the OP passes this value back to the RP using the state query parameter when redirecting the User Agent back to the RP. |
Get OAuth2 access token information.
access_token required | string Access_token |
{- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
Get OAuth2 user info endpoint. Returns information about the authenticated user.
Authorization required | string You must include an access token (returned from the OAuth2 access_token endpoint) in the HTTP Authorization header |
{- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
Enables a client to revoke a token. If you are revoking a refresh token, then both the refresh token and any other associated access tokens will also be revoked. To make requests to this endpoint, you must include the client authentication in the request which can vary depending on the authentication method that the application is configured with. iWelcome supports the following authentication methods:
token required | string OAuth2 token to be revoked |
token_type_hint | string Enum: "access_token" "refresh_token" A hint about the type of the submitted token |
client_id | string The client ID of the application |
client_secret | string Obtained during either manual client registration or via the Dynamic Client Registration API. |
client_assertion_type | string The value of the [OAuth.Assertions] client_assertion_type parameter MUST be "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" |
client_assertion | string The authentication token |
{- "error": "string",
- "error_description": "string"
Returns meta information related to an access token, including whether this token is currently active. To make requests to this endpoint, you must include the client authentication in the request which can vary depending on the authentication method that the application is configured with. iWelcome supports the following authentication methods:
token required | string An access token or refresh token. |
token_type_hint | string Enum: "access_token" "refresh_token" A hint about the type of the submitted token |
client_id | string The client ID of the application |
client_secret | string Obtained during either manual client registration or via the Dynamic Client Registration API. |
client_assertion_type | string The value of the [OAuth.Assertions] client_assertion_type parameter MUST be "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" |
client_assertion | string The authentication token |
{- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
Upon calling this API, it will generate a user code and a device code.
client_id required | string The client ID of the application |
scope | string A space-delimited list of permissions that the application requires. |
{- "user_code": "string",
- "device_code": "string",
- "verification_url": "string",
- "expires_in": 0,
- "interval": 0
The purpose of this API is to verify the user_code in order to pair the device with your account.
Authorization required | string The oauth2 access token |
user_code required | string The OAuth2 device flow user_code to verify |
decision required | string Enum: "allow" "deny" OAuth2 decision |
save_consent | string Enum: "on" "off" Used to decide whether to save the consent for later or not |
{ }