Stateless custom registration
The OneWelcome Identity Platform supports custom user registration without creating a profile. The access token created in the process has the Stateless
type and is not stored in the user's device. This makes it possible to implement support for App2App authentication towards external identity schemas that do not allow you to make derived identities (like DigiD) in a custom registration script. This means that the app is registered "just in time" each time a user selects the custom registration method.
Enable stateless authentication
Stateless authentication can be enabled for mobile clients on the admin console.
To enable the feature, go to Configuration → Applications. Create a new application or edit an existing one. Either way, to enable stateless authentication, under User authentication, enable Stateless authentication.
Send stateless custom registration request
Stateless authentication requires a configured Custom API Identity Provider.
To initiate stateless custom registration, the complete step request must include the grant_type
parameter with the
value urn:onewelcome:oauth2:grant_type:stateless_authentication
The feature can be used with both ONE_STEP
flows. In both cases, the grant_type
parameter must be provided in the complete step request.
Example request:
POST /oauth/custom-registration/example-custom-registration-idp/complete HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authentication: Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA==
"scope": [
"profile_id": "123EXI",
"grant_type": "urn:onewelcome:oauth2:grant_type:stateless_authentication"
The returned custom registration response contains a stateless access token.
The returned token can be validated using token introspection.
The introspection result contains STATELESS_AUTHENTICATION
in the AMR claim.
Example token introspection response for a stateless access token:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"active": true,
"scope": "openid profile",
"client_id": "D982FFA7D6BA78654ED77E67CEF02F26CEF2155DD451CB071CC134080D27F58C",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"exp": 899986,
"iat": 1693221054,
"nbf": 1693221054,
"sub": "TestClientUserId",
"app_identifier": "TestAppId",
"app_version": "1.0",
"app_platform": "ios",
"usage_limit": 0,
"user_details": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"amr": [
Stateless access token limitations
Mobile authentication enrollment is not possible when a stateless access token is provided in the request.
Implicit authentication is not possible for a user that only has a stateless access token.