Deallocate inventory
You can deallocate some or all of the inventory allocated to an account to accommodate:
- An account not renewing the service
- Warranty claims
- corrections for fulfillment errors
Software tokens and capacity can be deallocated at any time as they are immediately returned to your inventory and are available for reallocation to other accounts.
As a general rule, you should not deallocate hardware tokens until you receive the product from your account. Deallocation adds the hardware tokens to your inventory, causing confusion if there is a discrepancy between the deallocation and what is actually returned by the account.
Click On-Boarding > Allocation. The deallocation wizard is displayed.
In the Available row, click the hyperlink that corresponds to the token inventory that you want to deallocate.
There are different deallocation options for different token types.
Deallocate SMS software tokens or capacity
For each Product and Type, enter the quantity to deallocate.
The possible products and types can include the following:
Rental — The tokens were allocated to the account as a rental, bundling the cost of each token with a unit of capacity. Therefore a unit of capacity will also be deallocated for each SMS token deallocated.
Sale — The tokens were sold to the account. A unit of capacity will not be deallocated with each token.
Legacy — Support for ST-1 software tokens imported into the system from legacy systems.
Quantity — The maximum quantity that is not in use in the account’s Virtual Server and is therefore available for deallocation.
Deallocate — Type the quantity to be deallocated in the field provided. The field is activated by the radio button in the left-most column.
Click Next.
Each deallocation transaction offers the opportunity to add reference information:
Deallocating: Summarizes the product and quantity being deallocated.
Container: Select a container in the Virtual Server into which deallocated tokens can be placed.
Reference: Enter a transaction reference, such as an RMA number, to allow this transaction to be linked to billing, inventory management, or other procedures you may have.
Comment: Enter additional information about this transaction. This information will appear in reports.
Select Confirm.
Deallocate MobilePASS tokens
Type the quantity of product to deallocate in the field provided.
Click Next.
Add reference information as shown in the step 3 of Deallocate SMS software tokens or capacity.
As a general rule, you should not deallocate hardware tokens until you have received the product from your account. This is because deallocation will add the hardware tokens to your inventory, causing confusion if there is a discrepancy between the deallocation and what is actually returned by the account. Software tokens and capacity can be deallocated at any time as they are immediately returned to your inventory and are available for re-allocation to other accounts.
Deallocate hardware tokens
Hardware token deallocation begins by generating a list of serial numbers for tokens available for deallocation.
Enter the maximum value in the Quantity field, and then click Search.
A list of serial numbers is generated.
In the Allocated list, select one or more of the serial numbers that correspond to the physical devices returned by the account.
Use the arrows to move the selected serial numbers to the Deallocate list.
Click Next.
Determine where the returned product should be placed in the Virtual Server’s inventory. The following options are available:
Return to Inventory: Select this option for all inventory items, including hardware tokens, that do not require re-initialization. Tokens returned with this option are immediately available for allocation to accounts.
Initialize and return to Inventory: Select this option for tokens that must be re-initialized before they can be allocated to accounts. This option is rarely required and typically applies only to RB-1 tokens that are issued with token-side PINs. Token PIN requirements can be viewed in the account’s Virtual Server prior to deallocation.
Faulty: Select this option for hardware tokens that do not appear to work. This option returns the tokens to inventory in the Faulty state, which prevents their use. If testing determines that the token is functional, it can be reinitialized to make it available for allocation.
Lost: Select this option to indicate that the token is lost.
Container: Select the container in the Virtual Server into which deallocated tokens are placed.
Reference: Enter any alphanumeric string up to 64 characters in length. As a best practice, enter a reference number such as the RMA, work order, or similar document that authorizes the deallocation.
Comment: Enter a comment of up to 128 characters describing the reason for the deallocation.
Click the Confirm button.
The Allocation table is updated.
To display the list of tokens that were returned to your inventory, click the Transaction ID link for the deallocation.