Data Protection on Demand allows Subscriber Tenant Administrators and Application Owners to access Subscriber Tenants where they can provision encryption services in the form of Luna Cloud HSM Services, CipherTrust Key Management Services, payShield Cloud Services and Partner Services.
DPoD Subscriber Tenant Administrators and Application Owners are responsible for managing DPoD Services.
View Services Table
The View Services Table (My Services Table for Application Owners) provides a high-level overview of active services in DPoD. You must have created a service in the DPoD subscriber tenant for it to appear in the View Services Table. The View Services Table contains the following information:
- Name - Service name/label. Click the service name to access the service page.
- Service Type - The type of service.
Status - The provisioning status of the service. The provisioning status of the service. Available services have the Provisioned status. Possible values include:
- Provisioning - The service provisioning request has been submitted to the service and the service is not available for use.
- Provisioned - The service provisioning succeeded and the service is available for use.
- Provisioning Failed - The service provisioning failed and the service is not available for use.
- Deprovisioning - The service deprovisioning request has been submitted to the service and the service is not available for use.
- Deprovisioning Failed - The service deprovisioning failed and the service has not been removed from the tenant.
Services are provisioned/deprovisioned synchronously or asynchronously depending on the service. Asynchronous provisioning/deprovisioning can take longer than synchronous provisioning/deprovisioning. If the operation enters a failed state we recommend retrying the operation before contacting support.
Created - Service creation date.
- Actions - The actions column contains a Trash Can icon for service deletion. Services created through the Google Cloud Marketplace do not have access to the Trash Can icon and must be deleted through the Google Cloud Marketplace.