Exceptions and Caveats
Note the following when using AES-CBC-CS1 keys.
Ensure User Extended Attributes are Enabled on RHEL 6
On RHEL6, EXT3/EXT4 are not mounted with user extended attributes enabled, by default. If a GuardPoint is on EXT3/EXT4, then remount EXT3/EXT4 with user_xattr
as an option. Otherwise, guarding fails with the error "Extended attribute not enabled for GuardPoint."
Guarding Existing Files Without Data Transformation
You must convert an existing file with clear text through offline data transformation or LDT. If you do not transform the file, then after you guard using an AES-CBC key, the file displays garbled characters.
If you use an AES-CBC-CS1 key, access to the file is blocked with an I/O error.