Behavior of Hard Links Inside and Outside of GuardPoints (Windows)
When using hard links on Windows, all of the hard links to a file must be within the boundary of a GuardPoint and must use the same key. The following scenarios provide additional details:
If hard links to the same file are inside a GuardPoint and outside a GuardPoint, the effect on the file depends on what process accesses which hard link first. If the hard link within the GuardPoint is opened first, the file is transformed. If the hard link outside the GuardPoint is opened first, the file won’t be transformed.
If hard links to the same file exist in different GuardPoints with different keys, the file will be corrupted.
If hard links to the same file exist in the same GuardPoint but with different keys, such as if folder-based rules are used, there will be a conflict in the key.
For v7.2, hardlinks are not supported on CIFS shares.