Secure Luna Client UserIDs
Client UserIDs (AuthTokenClientId
, AuthTokenClientSecret
, and AuthTokenConfigURI
) are stored in plaintext in the downloaded .zip file by default. You can secure your Client UserID by setting it as a system variable.
To Secure your Client UserID
Delete the cvclient-min.tar (Linux) or (Windows) file from the zip package.
Copy the
, andAuthTokenConfigURI
from the crystoki.ini file (Windows) or the crystoki.conf file (Linux) and deploy as environment variables using the setx command (Windows) or the export command (Linux).Example (Windows):
setx AuthTokenClientId *** /m setx AuthtokenClientSecret *** /m setx AuthTokenConfigURI ** /m
Example (Linux):
export AuthTokenClientId **** export AuthTokenClientSecret ** export AuthTokenConfigURI **
The /m command specifies that the variable should be set in the system-wide environment (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) instead of the default HKEY_CURRENT_USER environment.
Delete the AuthTokenClientId and AuthTokenClientSecret entries from the [REST] section of the chrystoki.ini file (Windows) or the chrystoki.conf file (Linux).