Self-Signed Certificates
For in-house SafeNet server deployments with self-signed certificates, it is recommended to set IGNORE_CERTIFICATE_ERRORS parameter (while configuring the INI file) to 1 to avoid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) errors. If the parameter is set to 1, the certificate checks will be ignored. The default value 0 ensures that the security certificate checks will be forced while communicating with SafeNet servers. The parameter is valid for both Windows and Linux operating systems.
WebLogic Server SSL Error
You may encounter an error while making an HTTPS connection to the SafeNet server from the WebLogic Server (WLS). If the certificate policy is different in the WebLogic and the stand-alone Java program, it is advised to use the standard Sun SSL implementation. The following setting is mandatory, if you are using the HTTPS protocol.
We recommend configuring WLS to avoid SSL connection, certificate validation, and SSL handshake errors
flag to true in the WLS startup script available at the following location:<WLS-INSTALL PATH>/oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domain/bin/