Salesforce connections to the CipherTrust Manager can be configured using the following:
Managing Salesforce Connections using GUI
Username - username to access the Salesforce server.
Client ID - application ID of the Salesforce application. It can be used either with Client Secret or Certificate to authenticate the application.
The Salesforce Connection Manager does not allow using one client id for multiple connections for certificate based authentication. This limitation exists because the Salesforce server allows only one certificate for a client id at any given time.
However, if client credential based authentication is used, multiple connections are allowed with one client id.Cloud Name - the name of the Salesforce cloud to connect to. Currently, only the following options are available:
Salesforce Sandbox Cloud
Salesforce Cloud
Authentication - you can use either Client Secret or Certificate for authentication purpose.
Client Secret – this authentication method uses the account password and the Client Secret for the given Client ID to enable the communication between Salesforce and the CipherTrust Manager.
Certificate - this authentication method is used to enable password-less communication between Salesforce and the CipherTrust Manager. To do so:
Specify the Certificate Duration in Days ( 1 day to 10 years).
The default certificate duration is 10 years.
Select the Certificate radio button and click the Generate and Download button.
Upload the downloaded certificate on Salesforce for the provided Client ID.
Once the upload is done, verify the Certificate Subject on the CipherTrust Manager and Salesforce, and both the Certificate Subjects must match.
Click Next to move to the next step.
Currently, the only product supported for Salesforce connection is Cloud Key Manager.
Managing Salesforce Connections using ksctl
The following operations can be performed:
Create/Get/Update/Delete an Salesforce connection
List all Salesforce connections
Test an existing Salesforce connection
Test parameters for a Salesforce connection
Creating a Salesforce Connection
To create a Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Getting Details of a Salesforce Connection
To get details of a Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Updating a Salesforce Connection
To update a Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Deleting a Salesforce Connection
To delete a Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
There will be no response if Salesforce connection is deleted successfully.
Getting List of Salesforce Connections
To list all the Salesforce connections, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Testing an Existing Salesforce Connection
To test an existing Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Testing Parameters for a Salesforce Connection
To test parameters for a Salesforce connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response