Prerequisites for Azure Stack Cloud with Azure ADFS
Before adding an Azure Stack cloud with Azure ADFS in CCKM:
Create Service Principal for Azure Stack Cloud with ADFS
A service principal for CCKM in ADFS is needed if you are using ADFS as the identity provider. Refer to the Azure Stack documentation for details.
Connect with Azure AD
Log on to your Azure AD VM.
Connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell as a user. Refer to Connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell as a user - Azure Stack Hub for details.
Run the following command in Windows PowerShell:
A sample output is shown below:
The sample output above lists a number of links that are required while creating an Azure connection on the CipherTrust Manager. Use the actual links that are returned by the command on your setup. Refer to Add Azure Connection on CipherTrust Manager for details.
The fields in the sample output and on the Configure Azure Stack page of the Add Connection dialog box on the CipherTrust Manager differ slightly. Here is the mapping to help you configure the connection appropriately.
Sample Output Azure Connection Manager ActiveDirectoryServiceEndpointResourceId Management URL ResourceManagerUrl Resource Manager URL ActiveDirectoryAuthority Active Directory Endpoint AzureKeyVaultDnsSuffix Key Vault DNS Suffix AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId Vault Resource URL Download the SSL certificate of the Azure Stack portal. Refer to online resources for details.
Assign CCKM App Permissions to Required Key Vault on Azure Stack Portal
Access Key vaults > {Key Vault Name} > Settings > Access policies.
On the right, click + Add Access Policy.
Add the following details:
Select Key management operations and Privileged Key operations from the Key permissions drop-down list.
Next to the Select principal label, click None selected, browse the CCKM app, and select it.
Click Add.
Add Azure Connection on CipherTrust Manager
Before you can add an Azure vault to the CCKM, an Azure connection must already exist on the CipherTrust Manager. A CipherTrust Manager administrator manages connections to external resources on the Access Management > Connections Management page of the CipherTrust Manager GUI. Refer to Connections Management for details.
Now, Azure vaults and Azure keys can be managed on the CipherTrust Manager.