LDAP connection to the CipherTrust Manager can be configured using the following:
Managing LDAP Connections using GUI
Server URL - enter the URL of the LDAP server.
Bind DN - enter the bind dn object that has permission to search on the root DN for users.
Server Bind Password - enter the bind password of the server.
Base DN - enter the starting point an LDAP server uses when searching for users.
Search Filter for listing users - enter the LDAP search filter to restrict the set of users who will be allowed to log on to the LDAP server.
User's login name attribute - enter the attribute on the user object that contains the username required to log on with.
Group Base DN - enter the starting point an LDAP server uses when searching for groups.
Search filter for listing groups - enter the LDAP search filter to restrict the set of groups who will be allowed to log on to the LDAP server.
Group Name Attribute - enter the attributes on the group object that contain the friendly name of the group.
User's Distinguished Name - enter the user's distinguished name
Group id attribute for group mapping - enter the attribute on the group object that contains the group identifier (name). This value should be unique.
User's group membership attribute - enter the attribute that contains the group membership information, that is referring to users which are member of the group.
Username for test (required for Test) - enter the username required for test connection.
Password for test (required for Test) - enter the password required for test connection.
Click the Test Credentials button to check whether the connection is configured correctly. If the test is successful, the status is OK
else the status is Fail
Click Next to move to the next step.
Currently, the only product supported for LDAP connection is CTE.
Managing LDAP Connections using ksctl
The following operations can be performed:
Create/Get/Update/Delete an LDAP connection
List all LDAP connections
Test an existing LDAP connection
Test the new LDAP connection parameters before establishing the connection
To configure an LDAP connection, the only mandatory parameters are base_dn
, name
, server_url
, and user_login_attribute
Creating an LDAP Connection
To create an LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Getting Details of an LDAP Connection
To get details of an LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Updating an LDAP Connection
To update an LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Deleting an LDAP Connection
To delete an LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
There will be no response if the LDAP connection is deleted successfully.
Getting List of LDAP Connections
To list all the LDAP connections, run:
ksctl connectionmgmt ldap list
Example Request
Example Response
Testing an Existing LDAP Connection
To test an existing LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Testing a new LDAP Connection
To test the parameters of a new LDAP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response