Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) connection to the CipherTrust Manager can be configured using the following:
Managing Google Connections using GUI
Key File - upload the key file that you have got from the GCP console while creating the service account.
Cloud Name - select the Google from the drop-down list.
Click the Test Connection button to check whether the connection is configured correctly. If the test is successful, the status is OK
else the status is Fail
Click Next to move to the next step.
Currently, the only product supported for Google connection is Cloud Key Manager.
Managing Google Connections using ksctl
The following operations can be performed:
Create/Get/Update/Delete a GCP connection
List all GCP connections
Test an existing GCP connection
Test a new GCP Connection
Creating a GCP Connection
To create a GCP connection, run:
Format of GCP Key File
Example Request
Example Response
Getting Details of a GCP Connection
To get details of a GCP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Updating a GCP Connection
To update a GCP connection, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Deleting a GCP Connection
To delete a GCP connection, run;
Example Request
There will be no response if GCP connection is deleted successfully.
Getting List of GCP Connections
To list all the GCP connections, run:
Example Request
Example Response
Testing an Existing GCP Connection
To test an existing GCP connection, run;
Example Request
Example Response
Testing a New GCP Connection
To test a new GCP connection, run;
Example Request
Example Response