Managing Your Own User Account Settings
There are shortcuts for viewing and editing your own user account compared to managing other users.
These settings are available for any user in the CipherTrust Manager, regardless of permission level. To view and manage settings for other user accounts, you must be part of the User Admins group.
View Your User Details
Log into CipherTrust Manager web console GUI.
Click on your full name in the upper right corner.
Click User Settings.
The My User Settings page is displayed.
View the following values:
Full Name - A friendly name to display. This value is different than the username you provide to login.
Email - Your email address
Source - Can be local, or the name of an LDAP or OIDC connection depending on the source of your account.
Created - Creation date and time.
Updated - Date and time when your settings were last updated.
ID - The UUID associated with your account. This value is helpful for operations to update your account in the REST API. If your account's source is LDAP or OIDC, the connection name and the
character precede the UUID.Last Login - Date and time when you last logged in.
Last Failed Login - The last date and time when someone tried unsuccessfully to login with your user name.
Logins - Total number of logins.
Failed Logins - Total failed number of logins.
Expires at - The date and time the user account will expire and you will no longer have access to CipherTrust Manager.
This value is only visible if the user administrator configured your account with an expiration date. If the Expires At detail doesn't have a value, your account will never expire.
Update Your Full Name
Log into CipherTrust Manager web console GUI.
Click on your full name in the upper right corner.
Click User Settings.
The My User Settings page is displayed.
In the UPDATE NAME section, type a new value in the Full Name field.
This value is different than the username you provide to login.
Click Update under the Full Name field to apply the change.
Update Your Email Address
Log into CipherTrust Manager web console GUI.
Click on your full name in the upper right corner.
Click User Settings.
The My User Settings page is displayed.
In the UPDATE EMAIL section, type a new value in the Email field.
Click Update under the Email field to apply the change.
Change Your Password
This operation is not applicable to LDAP and OIDC users.
Log into CipherTrust Manager web console GUI.
Click on your full name in the upper right corner.
Click User Settings.
The My User Settings page is displayed.
Under the CHANGE PASSWORD section, provide the Current Password, a new value for the Password and confirm the new password with the Password Match field.
The new password must adhere to policy rules defining allowed password length and characters. The policy rules are listed below the Password and Password Match fields. The user administrator sets the password policy.
Click the Change Password button to apply the change.
You are immediately logged out, and must log in again with the new password.