Considerations Before Creating GuardPoints
Before creating GuardPoints, consider the following:
If a client is to be added to a client group, do not apply a GuardPoint at the client level. Rather, apply the GuardPoint at the client group level. You can do both, but it is harder to keep track of GuardPoints applied at the client group level and custom GuardPoints applied at the client level.
Certain directories are protected against guarding. So plan your GuardPoints accordingly.
The following directories cannot be guarded:
<secfs install root>/agent/secfs/
<install root>/agent/secfs/bin
and everything under it<secfs install root>/agent/vmd
and everything under it/etc/vormetric
and everything under it/etc
and everything under it/etc/security
and everything under it/usr
and everything under it/etc/rc*
and everything under it/var/log/vormetric
You cannot apply CTE Agent protection to already mounted and guarded directories, nor can you nest GuardPoints.
directory is automatically mounted and guarded bysecfs
when the CTE Agent process starts on the client.You cannot apply a GuardPoint to
because it contains the existing GuardPoint,/opt/vormetric/DataSecurityExpert/agent/secfs/.sec
; however, you can guard a directory like/opt/myapps
because it is in a different hierarchy and has no impact on/opt/vormetric
.Mounted and guarded directories can be displayed using the
Both CipherTrust Manager and CTE support a new enhanced encryption mode (CBC-CS1). If your client groups contain clients with older versions of CTE, you cannot apply policies containing keys that use this new encryption mode. The action fails with an error message informing you that all clients in the client group do not support the key’s encryption mode. Refer to the CTE UserSpace Agent Advanced Configuration Guide for details.
When Changing a Policy or Rekeying a GuardPoint
To change a policy or rekey a GuardPoint, be prepared to temporarily stop access to the GuardPoint. Changing policies for a GuardPoint requires an interruption of service because the transition process entails disabling one policy and then enabling another policy. The GuardPoint must be inactive during the transition period to ensure GuardPoint integrity. The same rule applies to moving a client between client groups when it includes a change in policies. Coordinate policy changes during a maintenance outage window.