Changing Passwords
This section describes how to change the Application Administrator's initial password, if needed, and the more general case of changing the password for a user.
Passwords must meet the current Password Policy settings. For more information on Password Policy and on changing the settings, see Password Policy.
Changing the Application Administrator's initial password using the GUI
At first boot, the default Application Administrator is "admin" with the password "admin", which must be changed before using the CipherTrust Manager.
To change the Application Administrators initial password using the GUI
Open the URL: https://<ciphertrust_ip_address>
Login as user "admin" using the default initial password "admin". If the password is not the hard-coded "admin", contact your System Administrator for an auto-generated password.
After successfully logging in, the user is prompted to change the initial password immediately. Failure to do so could allow an attacker to compromise the system.
For more information changing the password for the Initial User, see Changing the Initial Password
Changing user passwords
To change a user password using the CLI:
User is prompted to enter and confirm the new password: