Setting CTE Agent Logging Preferences
You can configure the Agent process information that is entered into the Message Log. You can configure the process information globally, in which all the Agents that are added after the configuration change inherit the log attributes, while all current file system configurations remain intact. Alternatively, you can configure log attributes for individual Agent installations.
Always monitor log generation on new server and agent installations, and after changing logging preferences and options.
A variety of logging services are available and configured in the Log tab.
CTE log data may be sent to various different files such as:
Sys log files, such as:
/var/log/messages /var/log/syslog
Event log on
The CM domain name can include spaces. However, Syslog does not allow spaces in header fields. Therefore, for Syslog purposes, the CTE client replaces the spaces with an underscore. For example: My_Domain instead of My Domain.
CTE log files local to the agent, such as:
/var/log/vormetric/vorvmd_root.log C:\ProgramData\Vormetric\DataSecurityExpert\agent\log\vorvmd.log (Windows)
Uploaded to the Key Manager
Uploaded to a Syslog server
Data Transformation log files are sent to: