Patch Note for v7.3.0.154
Patch Information | |
Release | v7.3.0.154 |
Date | 2023-02-17 |
Document Version | 1 |
This release of CipherTrust Transparent Encryption adds fixes for known defects and addresses known vulnerabilities.
Guarding CIFS Shares
driver now supports guarding CIFS shares with standard policies.
Resolved Issues
AGT-38582 [CS1121971]: Guarding an invalid network path caused a crash on the Windows Server
Crash caused by the Guard Path having a single slash at the beginning of the CIFS path. CTE agent was treating this name as a Registry Path and crashing the system while applying the GuardPoint on an invalid name. This issue has been resolved in the current patch.
AGT-39953| AGT-42170 [CS1320541,CS1441666] Rekey status frequently changes, keeps repeating and it never finishes
The issue was that Symantec Real Time Protection antivirus was accessing LDT file objects and caching the files so it could access the data in the file to scan it. When backup programs access files, LDT stops rekeying the files in order to prevent corruption. Therefore, the rekey process never finished. The solution is that antivirus programs are now prevented from caching LDT files. Therefore, LDT can complete the rekey process.
AGT-40561 [CS1332589/CS1342103]: Uninstalling CTE Agent from the control panel did not remove CTE agent completely
This is a setup specific issue. If the CTE installation on the system is corrupted, it fails to remove the CTE agent cleanly from the system. Some of the registry entries on the system are not reset from the previous install/uninstall activity.
CTE agent has provided an option in the installer to clean up the registry entry. After upgrading, open a command prompt (run as Administrator), and add the parameter: REG_CLEANUP=Yes. For example:
vee-fs-7.3.0-151-win64.exe /s /v" REG_CLEANUP=Yes /qn"
AGT-41800 [CS1429920]: Unable to perform LDT again after deleting attribute
CTE agent failed to trigger a rekey from Key1 to Clear_key after the GuardPoint metadata was cleaned up. This issue was only happening when the root of the volume was guarded. CTE agent was incorrectly processing the root volume and did not reset/cleanup the rekey state in GuardPoint metadata. As the GuardPoint metadata rekey state was not clear, it failed to trigger the rekey. This issue has been resolved in the current patch.
AGT-42134: When CipherTrust Transparent Encryption is installed in a user-defined directory, LDT-CIFS GuardPoint are not guarded
The issue occurred when CTE is installed on Windows in a user-defined directory. The CIFS GuardPoints were not guarded because communication services were not initialized. This issue has been fixed. Communications services are now initialized properly.
AGT-43312 [CS1449398]: Data Transformation scan causing Windows server 2022 to crash every night
The issue was that the shadowcopy filesystem was accessed incorrectly.
AGT-43342 [CS1448885]: Getting blue screen while using the CTE agent and backup software (ShadowProtect SPX)
The issue occurred because CTE agent was attaching the instance to read-only virtual volumes. CTE has now added a check in the code to ignore read-only virtual volumes.
AGT-43470 [CS1450923]: Windows VM crashes after CTE installation
The CTE agent VMLFS driver was referencing an incorrect FileObject to send the requests to the file system. This issue has been fixed in current release.