Quick Start
This quick start guide describes the concise steps to set up and run a CT-VL appliance to perform tokenization, encryption, and key management. This guide focuses on using a virtual machine hosted on VMware vSphere ESXi. For other options to run a CT-VL appliance, see Alternative Deployments.
Prerequisites for Installing CT-VL
Prerequisites for installing CT-VL as a VM are listed below:
For the complete list of prerequisites for all CT-VL deployment options, see CT-VL Deployment Prerequisites.
CipherTrust Manager server 2.0 or higher.
VMWare vSphere ESXi Server 6.0 or higher.
CT-VL OVA image version 2.6.0 or higher.
For optimal performance, the recommended settings for a CT-VL VM are 4 CPUs and 16GB memory.
Installing CT-VL
Steps for installing CT-VL as a VM are listed below:
1. Creating a CT-VL Virtual Machine
Obtain a CT-VL ISO or OVA image file (for example, cts-
) and deploy it to create a virtual machine. Refer to the VMware ESX User Guide on how to create a virtual machine using an ISO or OVA image. It is recommended to use Thick Provisioning for hard disks. Select the Guest OS Family as Linux and Guest OS Version as Ubuntu Linux (64-bit).
For a multi-node setup, you can repeat this installation process for additional machines. You would then configure each node separately and join them in a cluster. See Configuring CT-VL Nodes for details.
2. Initial Log In
Power up the CT-VL virtual machine that you have created. Open the virtual machine console and log in using the following credentials:
CT-VL supports serial console for GCP and Azure Cloud platforms. You may also perform the initial login using SSH if networking is already available.
login: cliadmin
password: cliadmin123
This initial log-in will prompt you to change the password of the cliadmin
3. Network Setup
Networking for CT-VL can either use DHCP or the static IP configuration.
DHCP Network Setup
The CT-VL virtual machine supports DHCP to set up networking. It is enabled by default and if your network has a DHCP server, the CT-VL VM will use it automatically to obtain an IP address and configure its network at power-up.
To determine the IP address obtained by the VM from DHCP, log in to the VM console. Note: The CT-VL runs the Open VM Tools software. With this, you view the IP address used by the VM from the vSphere ESXi host or vCenter.
Static (non-DHCP) Network Setup
If your network does not have DHCP server or if DHCP is not desired, you can set up networking using a static IP address.
To do so, perform the following steps:
Log in to the console of the VM and run the command below to set up networking.
main> network setup eth0
The CLI command above will run interactively.
When prompted, supply the network configuration, that is, IP address, netmask, and gateway.
A non-interactive command is also available to set up the network. Supply the -h option to display usage.
main> network set -h usage: set [-h] [--onboot {yes,no}] [--dhcp] [--ipaddr IPADDR] [--netmask NETMASK] [--gateway GATEWAY] [--defroute {yes,no}] [--mtu MTU] [-y] device
Run the 'network dns' command to configure DNS. Supply the -h option to display usage.
main> network dns -h usage: dns [-h] [--show] [--add IP [IP ...]] [--remove IP [IP ...]] [--useDHCP {yes,no}] [-y]
4. Register the CT-VL VM with CipherTrust Manager (CM)
You can register the CT-VL VM with the CM as the key manager. For complete set of steps, see Registering CT-VL VM with CipherTrust Manager.
Perform the following steps to register the CT-VL VM with the CipherTrust Manager:
Log in to the CM server
Create an NAE interface.
Choose a port number for the NAE interface and set the mode to "TLS, verify client cert, user must supply password."
For the CipherTrust Manager 2.11 and higher, enable Allow unregistered clients.
Set a local CA for the NAE interface.
Create a CM user for CT-VL use.
Create AES key(s) for CT-VL use. Preferably, use 256 bits for key size.
Set the AES key(s) to be exportable.
Set the AES key(s) to be accessible by the CM user created in #4 above.
Log in to the CT-VL VM
Run the CLI command below to configure the CM server.
icapi setup
This command runs an interactive setup to configure connectivity to the CM server. Follow the prompts to supply the IP address of the CM, port number of the NAE interface, CM user, and password. The CM user supplied must have access to the keys that will be used by CT-VL.
Run the CLI command below to register the CT-VL VM to the CM server.
icapi register --host <ipaddress> --user <admin>
- IP address of the CM server.admin
- name of a user on the CM with admin access to sign certificates.Enable CM for CT-VL use.
icapi enable yes
Restart VTS service.
vts> service --restart
Test connectivity to the CM server.
Run the CLI command below to test if CT-VL can connect and authenticate to the CM server.
icapi test --server_connection
Test access to a key on the CM.
Run the CLI command below to test if CT-VL has access to a key.
icapi test --key keyname
5. Initialize the CT-VL Cluster
Even if you have only one CT-VL server, you need to create and initialize a cluster. Run the command below to initialize the CT-VL cluster.
cluster create
This command is interactive. You will be prompted to supply a username, password, and email. This user will be created on the CT-VL VM and will serve as the initial administrative user to the WebUI.
Configuring CT-VL
Complete the following steps to configure CT-VL:
I. Configure CT-VL Tokenization API
Browse to the hostname or IP address https://<ct-vl_ipaddress>/
of the VM.
Log in to the CT-VL Web user interface using the username and password created during cluster initialization.
II. Create Users
Navigate to the Users menu.
Select the 'New User' button and specify the appropriate details to create users. At a minimum, users created must have 'Active' permission to allow access to tokenization, encryption, and key management REST-APIs. To allow access to the WebUI, users must have 'Staff' or 'Superuser' permissions. Setting users with 'Staff' permission will allow WebUI access but read-only. Setting users with 'Superuser' permission will allow WebUI access with read-write.
III. Create Keys
Navigate to the Keys menu.
Select the 'Symmetric Keys' tab.
Create symmetric keys you will use for tokenization, encryption, or key management. The name of the keys supplied must match the name of keys on the Key Manager.
IV. Create Token Groups
Navigate to the Tokenization > Token Groups Menu.
Create a token group and assign a key that it will use.
V. Create Token Templates
Navigate to the 'Tokenization Templates' Menu.
Create a Tokenization Template and set a name and token group for it.
Select a Format algorithm, e.g., FPE.
Select a Character Set, e.g., All digits.
VI. Set Key Permissions
Navigate to the 'Permissions' Menu.
Select a user and key.
Select the permissions you will require for the user. For tokenization operations, select 'Tokenize' and/or 'Detokenize'. For cryptographic operations, options are: Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, and Verify. For key management operations, options are: Destroy, Modify, Export, and Find.
To know more about CT-VL token groups, token templates, and data masks, see the Tokenization Groups, Templates, and Masks.
Run a sample tokenization, detokenization, cryptographic operation.
Complete the required operations:
Tokenize Plaintext Data
Use a REST-API client to tokenize a plaintext numeric data.
Request POST Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | string | Plaintext data to be tokenized. |
tokengroup | string | Name of the token group. |
tokentemplate | string | Name of the token template. |
curl -k -u vtsuser -X POST 'https://ipaddress/vts/rest/v2.0/tokenize' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"tokengroup": "TG1", "tokentemplate": "TT1", "data": "1111222233334444"}'
"token": "6300847582017130",
"status": "Succeed"
Detokenize Tokenized Data
Use a REST-API client to detokenize a tokenized data.
Request POST Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | string | Encrypted data to be detokenized. |
tokengroup | string | Name of the token group. |
tokentemplate | string | Name of the token template. |
curl -k -u vtsuser -X POST 'https://ipaddress/vts/rest/v2.0/detokenize' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"tokengroup": "TG1", "tokentemplate": "TT1", "token": "6300847582017130"}'
"data": "1111222233334444",
"status": "Succeed"
Encrypt Plaintext Data
Use a REST-API client to encrypt a plaintext data.
Request POST Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
plaintext | string | Plaintext data to be encrypted. This needs to be encoded in base64 format. |
alg | string | Encryption algorithm. |
kid | string | Name of key to use. |
iv | string | Initialization vector string encoded in base64 format. |
Sample POST request data for encryption:
"plaintext": "9mBirbK+VZLR/x6gDlGioQ==",
"alg": "A256CBCPAD",
"kid": "key1",
"params": {
"iv": "aKcjACEIDhOx0AXOSCQoqQ=="
curl -k -u vtsuser -X POST 'https://ipaddress/vts/crypto/v1/encrypt' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data @encrypt_data.yaml
Decrypt Ciphertext Data
Use a REST-API client to decrypt a ciphertext data.
Request POST Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ciphertext | string | Ciphertext data to be decrypted. This needs to be encoded in base64 format. |
alg | string | Encryption algorithm. |
kid | string | Name of key to use. |
iv | string | Initialization vector string encoded in base64 format. |
Sample POST request data for decryption:
"ciphertext": "WPn2Py8oC7kM1MRTtf4xYxho+UnbVYmTKmKibC9X2+o=",
"alg": "A256CBCPAD",
"kid": "key1",
"params": {
"iv": "aKcjACEIDhOx0AXOSCQoqQ=="
curl -k -u vtsuser -X POST 'https://ipaddress/vts/crypto/v1/decrypt' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data @decrypt_data.yaml