Installing CT-VL as a Virtual Machine on VMware vSphere
VMware ESXi hypervisor, ESXi version 6.0 or higher.
Minimum recommended settings for the CT-VL VM: 4 CPUs, 16GB memory.
CT-VL can use a VMware ESXi hypervisor to create a virtual machine using the ISO or OVA build image. CT-VL supports ESXi version 6.0 or higher. Refer to VMware ESXi documentation on how to create a VM using an ISO or OVA image.
It is recommended to use Thick Provisioning for hard disks.
For a multi-node setup, you can repeat this installation process for additional machines. You would then configure each node separately and join them in a cluster as described in Configuring CT-VL Nodes.
To begin configuration, click the Console tab of the vSphere Client to log in to the CTS CLI as cliadmin, change the default password, accept the Service Level Agreement, and begin configuring CTS settings using the CTS CLI.
See Configuring CT-VL for further information.