Installing CT-VL on Bare Metal
Although typically deployed as a virtual machine, the CipherTrust Vaultless Tokenization (CT-VL) server can be installed using an ISO image and run on a bare metal machine.
A bare metal host is a computer that does not run hypervisor software. Do not install the operating system on the host before installing CT-VL, because the OS is included along with the CT-VL software in the installation package. When selecting the operating system, specify 64-bit CENTOS version 7 or higher.
Prerequisites for Installing CT-VL on Bare Metal
Intel x86_64 physical machine.
Number of CPU cores: 4.
RAM: 16 GB minimum if RANDOM mode is none. 24 GB recommended if CT-VL will be used to tokenize credit card numbers longer than 16 digits. 24 GB if using numeric RANDOM mode or alphanumeric RANDOM mode, or 32 GB if using both modes.
Hard disk space: 85 GB.
Installation Steps
To do a bare metal installation:
Obtain the installation file
.Refer to the machine's documentation on how to boot and install from an ISO image.