Encrypts an array of plaintext values, create tokens, and insert them into the token vault.
Request Parameters
Parameters | Data Types | Descriptions |
naeUser | String | The Key Manager user with access to the AES and HMAC keys. |
naePassword | String | The Key Manager user’s password. |
dbUser | String | The database user with access to the token table. |
dbPswd | String | The database user’s password. |
tableName | String | The token table The name must be in CAPITAL LETTERS. |
values | String array | String array of plaintext data to be tokenized. |
customData | String array | An array of customData associated with the plaintext values. |
format | Int | One of the predefined token formats or a format created using CreateNewTokenFormat() . You can use the constant if your application imports com.safenet.token.TokenService . Otherwise, be sure to use the correct integer. |
luhnCheck | Boolean | Indicates if the value must pass a luhnCheck (true) or if there is no requirement (false). Token formats created using the createNewFormat() method may have one of the following three luhnCheck rules:1. must fail test 2. no requirement 3. must pass test The priority of the luhnCheck boolean in insert() and the luhnCheck integer in createNewFormat() vary depending on their values. |
Returned Value
Returned Value | Description |
String[] | The tokens. |