Silent Installation
Silent installation allows user to set the parameters at one go and install the CT-V for Java API or Web Services. Silent installation can be performed using one of the following ways:
By specifying the parameters on the command line interface.
Ensure the prerequisites are met before performing the silent installation. Token vault creation is not required during the silent installation as the test involving token vault is not performed.
Silent installation is not supported for the Informix database.
Backup the libraries if you have any previous versions of CT-V installed in the same directory.
It is recommended to upgrade the Token Vault schema before using the Tokenization APIs.
Silent Installation Using the File
Unzip the software file using any standard archive utility.
Navigate to the
directory and configure
file as shown below:License_Agreement: Enter y or yes to accept the license agreement. By default, the value is set to yes.
WebService_Setup: Set this property to y or yes to set up CT-V to operate with an Apache Tomcat Server and Axis2 Web Service. By default the value for WebService_Setup is set to no.
JCE_Directory: Directory to install the CADP JCE Provider. Use \\ or / rather than \ in the directory path. If no directory is set for this parameter, then CADP JCE Provider is installed to default location JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext. For Java 10/11/17, user must specify the location to install CADP JCE Provider.
TM_Directory: Directory to install the CT-V. It is mandatory to set the CT-V Directory else the installation will fail. Use \\ or / rather than \ in the directory path.
Log_File: Directory for the log file. Use \\ or / rather than \ in the directory path.
NAE_IP: The IP address of the NAE Server on the Key Manager.
NAE_Port: The port number of the NAE Server on the Key Manager.
HostName: The hostname or IP address of the database server.
PortNumber: The port number of the database sever. If your database installation uses the default ports, this value will be 3306 for MySQL, 1433 for SQLServer or 1521 for Oracle or 2484 if Oracle is configured for SSL authentication.
DatabaseName: The name of the database instance.
DatabaseType: The type of database. Either SQLServer, Oracle or MySQL. Use one of those values exactly.
Upgrade: Set the value to y or yes to upgrade the CT-V during installation. By default, the value is set to yes. For installation without upgrade, enter n or no.
DbUser: Database user name that has permission to modify the token vault table.
DbPwd: Database password for the database user.
customDataSize: Set this property to configure the size of the customdata column for the MySQL database only. If you don't specify any value for this parameter, the default value (255) is used. This parameter is not supported for Oracle and SQL Server.
For MySQL, the maximum permissible length for the customdata column is 21000.
Run the following command to perform silent installation.
java -jar TokenizationInstaller- -f
The system displays the confirmation message for successful installation.
When performing silent installation, if you skip providing parameters other than TM_ Directory (a mandatory parameter), the Silent Installation installs the CT-V and displays the message to update the parameters in the file.
Silent Installation by Setting the Parameters in the Command Line
Enter the following parameters in the command line to perform silent installation of CT-V:
-w: Use it to install the Java Web Service (if this parameter is used, then -tmdir parameter is not required).
Only entering -w on the command line is sufficient.
-l: To accept the license agreement.
Only entering -l is sufficient to accept the license agreement.
-jcedir: To set the installation directory for CADP JCE Provider. (If this parameter is not specified in the command line, then the system uses the default path JAVA_HOME\lib\ext). For Java 10/11/17, user must specify the location to install CADP JCE Provider.
-tmdir: To set the installation directory for CT-V. (Mandatory if Web Service is not installed).
-log: To set the directory for the log file.
-nip: To set the NAE Server IP.
-np: To set the NAE Server Port. Do not set the port value to 9443 because this port is typically used to connect to the KeySecure Classic UI.
-p: To set the database port number.
-dbname: To set the database name.
-dbtype: To set the database type: Oracle, MSSQL, and MySQL.
-u: To upgrade the CT-V (Optional).
-dbu: To set database user name (Mandatory if upgradation is to be done).
-dbp: To enter the database password for the database user (Mandatory if upgradation is to be done).
-customDataSize: An optional parameter required to configure the size of the customdata column for the MySQL database only. If you don't specify any value for this parameter, the default value (255) is used. This parameter is not supported for Oracle and SQL Server.
For MySQL, the maximum permissible length for the customdata column is 21000.
Run the command as shown below. The sample command does not include all the parameters.
The system installs the CT-V and displays the confirmation message.
For any incorrect directory or parameter value, the system displays the corresponding error message. However, if -tmdir directory is incorrect, the installation is aborted.
For information on silent installation using chef scripts, refer to Installing CipherTrust Vaulted Tokenization Using Chef Scripts.
By default, the provider searches for the properties file in the same location as the IngrianNAE.jar
. If you move the properties file, you must call System.setProperty()
and set
to the new location.
By default, the
file resides in the CT-V installation directory. If you move this property file, you must call System.setProperty()
and set com.safenet.SafeNetToken_Properties_Conf_Filename
to the new location.
By default, the
file resides in the CT-V installation directory. If you move this property file, you must call System.setProperty() and com.safenet.SfntDbp_Properties_Conf_Filename
to the new location.