Encrypts an array of plaintext values, create tokens, and insert them with their corresponding tokenProperty
into the token vault. The SmartCheck
parameter enables tokenization process to bypass any error and proceeds with the tokenization of remaining values.
Request Parameters
Parameters | Data Types | Descriptions |
naeUser | String | The Key Manager user with access to the AES and HMAC keys. |
naePassword | String | The Key Manager user’s password. |
dbUser | String | The database user with access to the token table. |
dbPswd | String | The database user’s password. |
tableName | String | The token table. The name must be in CAPITAL LETTERS. |
values | String array | String array of the plaintext data to be tokenized. |
customData | String array | An array of customData associated with the plaintext values. |
format | Int | One of the predefined token formats or a format created using CreateNewTokenFormat() . You can use the constant if your application imports com.safenet.token.TokenService . Otherwise, be sure to use the correct integer. |
luhnCheck | Boolean | Indicates if the value must pass a luhnCheck (true) or if there is no requirement (false). Token formats created using the createNewFormat() method may have one of the following three luhnCheck rules:1. must fail test 2. no requirement 3. must pass test The priority of the luhnCheck boolean in insert() and the luhnCheck integer in createNewFormat() vary depending on their values. |
saveExceptions | Boolean | When set to true, the Smart Check functionality is turned on, and arrays containing tokenization data are returned. |
tokenProperty | String array | The tokenProperty for the values to be tokenized. |
customTokenProperty | String array | The customTokenProperty for the values to be tokenized. |
Returned Value
Returned Value | Description |
TmResult | Gives the output, status, and error details. |