TokenService() constructs a TokenService object and starts the Token Service.
TokenService() supports tokenization yielding Unicode (multi-byte character) tokens, and local encryption with symmetric key caching.
This method is overloaded, as follows:
The first entry below supports local encryption with symmetric key caching only, when that functionality is appropriately configured using CADP JCE.
The second entry below is used to specify the path of the file to be used other than the one in
If the specified location of the additional file is invalid, then the default file (in
The caching features can improve performance significantly, especially when network latency is high, encryption sizes are small, and local CPU cycles are available. Both require proper configuration and set up using the CADP JCE Provider. Once the keys are cached, your client's crypto operations can continue without access to the server. To configure a caching feature, refer to the information and corresponding instructions provided in the CADP JCE.
The last two TokenService methods are deprecated.
TokenService Constructor with Database Properties
A new constructor is added to TokenService class which accepts DBProperty instance to configure the database. The DBProperty contains database properties such as dbHost, dbPort, and dbName.
To create the DBProperty instance, use this code snippet:
The database properties specified in this constructor will override the database properties specified in the file and these properties are supported for MySQL database only.
Request Parameters
Parameters | Data Types | Descriptions |
naeUser | string | A Key Manager user with access to the AES and HMAC keys. |
naePswd | char[] | A Key Manager user’s password. |
dbUser | string | A database user with access to the token table. Note: The dbUser can also be an AD user. It is applicable for MSSQL. |
dbPswd | char[] | A database user’s password. Note: Use the AD user password, if an AD user is used for the connection. |
naePropertyFile | string | The absolute path of the file. |
dbProperty | The instance of DBProperty containing database properties such as hostName, port, and databaseName. |
Throws Exception
Any parameters are missing.
The Token Vault information is missing from the file.
If your application, calls insert(), get(), deleteToken(), or deleteValue() within a loop, make sure that it starts the token service outside of the loop. Otherwise, the application will read the properties files, and authenticate to the Key Manager and the database for every call to the constructor.
String naeUser = "KeyManagerUserName"; char[] naePswd = "passwordA".toCharArray(); String dbUser = "DBUserName"; char[] dbPswd = "passwordB".toCharArray(); TokenService ts = new TokenService(naeUser, naePswd, dbUser, dbPswd); String[] data = //an array of plaintext; String tableName = "YOURTOKENVAULT"; for (int i=0; i < dataLength(); i++) { ts.insert(data[i], tableName, TokenService.LAST_FOUR_TOKEN, false); } ts.closeService();
Example to configure database while creating TokenService instance