Amazon Web Services Deployment
You can deploy a CipherTrust Manager image within Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Minimum Requirements
To deploy a CipherTrust Manager instance, the following minimum requirements apply:
System volume: 50 GB for evaluation, 100 GB for production
Memory: 16 GB
vCPUs: 2
NICs: 1
These minimum system requirements are for a system with light to moderate load. For applications that heavily load the system, additional memory and CPU allocation are required. The system volume holds all data as well as backups.
Provisioning the AMI
AWS region-specific, and confidential Virtual CipherTrust Manager images (AMI) are obtained by provisioning. Provisioning places a CipherTrust Manager AMI in your target AWS account in the target region(s).
Use the SafeNet Cloud Provisioning System, to customize a CipherTrust Manager AMI for a specific region.
Only authorized Customer Support Portal users can make provisioning requests.
Login to the Thales Customer Support Portal.
Navigate to the My Provisioning Requests page, through the Tools > Provisioning Requests menu.
Click Create Provisioning Request.
Select CipherTrust Manager from the Product Name dropdown.
Select the desired Product Version from the dropdown.
We recommend deploying the most recent version for the latest security fixes and most current features.
Select the desired AWS Region from the dropdown.
Provide your AWS Account Number.
(Optional) If desired, type in the names of Additional Regions in the text field, to deploy AMIs in more than one region.
(Optional) If desired, adjust the Priority. The default priority is 3-Medium.
Click Submit.
A Thales client services engineer will receive and work on the request.
When your provisioning request is completed, you will an email notification with the subject line Cloud Provisioning Request Complete. Alternatively, you can periodically check the provisioning request status directly on the My Provisioning Requests page.
Retrieve the AMI ID from the completed provisioning request.
Navigate to the My Provisioning Requests page, through the Tools > Provisioning Requests menu.
Click on the name of the completed provisioning request. The Status column indicates requests that are completed.
Proceed to deploy the Virtual CipherTrust Manager image.
Deploying in AWS
This section provides the steps for deploying a Virtual CipherTrust Manager instance in AWS.
A provisioned Virtual CipherTrust Manager AMI.
If using a Windows client use PuTTY or similar utility to SSH to your CipherTrust Manager instance as KeySecure Administrator (ksadmin).
If needed, use PuTTYgen or similar utility to format the SSH Key Pair. We support OpenSSH format and RSA key algortihm for the public key, and OpenSSH, PKCS1, or PKCS8 format for the private key. We recommend RSA 4096, with RSA 2048 as a minimum size for adequate security.
If using a Linux client use SSH to login as KeySecure Administrator (ksadmin).
To launch a CipherTrust Manager instance in AWS
More detailed descriptions of the launch instance wizard settings are available in Amazon EC2 documentation.
Sign in to your AWS account at the AWS portal at:
In the Compute group, select EC2 service.
On the AWS top bar and to the right, make sure you select the AWS Region you provisioned for your AMI.
Under the Instances>Launch Instance
Provide a Name and Tags for the new instance, if desired.
Select My AMIs and search for the AMI (e.g. ami-1f6b5b60) that was provisioned for you by the SafeNet Cloud Provisioning System.
Next to the image name, click on Select.
The AWS instance launch page opens.
In the Instance Type section, choose a size that meets the minimum requirements.
Select which Key Pair (login) option to use. We support OpenSSH for the public key format, and OpenSSH, PKCS1 or PKCS8 for the corresponding private key format. Valid options are:
Choose an existing key pair from the drop-down list. If your key pair is not on this list, you can import it here:
Services > EC2 > Network and Security > Key Pairs
Create a new key pair. (This option allows you to download your own key pair.)
It is important that you have access to the key pair you select, otherwise you will not have permissions to perform administrator operations like performing upgrades, advanced logging or an appliance reset.
In the Network Settings section.
If applicable to your AWS account settings, you are presented with a setting for Networking platform, which allows you to choose Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or EC2-Classic. Virtual CipherTrust Manager is supported in both platforms.
In most cases, select an existing VPC and Subnet. You can also create a new Subnet. For EC2-Classic, you specify an Availability Zone.
Set Auto-assign Public IP to Enabled.
Under Firewall (security groups), create a new security group or re-use a previously created group.
Refer to Network Security Groups. Consider adding all of the recommended rules.
To launch the CipherTrust Manager, you need at a minimum Port 22 inbound/outbound for ksadmin's SSH connection and Port 443 for an HTTPS connection to the GUI.
In the Configure Storage section, select the desired Size (GiB).
Enter 100 GiB if this is for production.
Enter 50 GiB if this is for evaluation.
At the bottom of the screen there is a section Advanced Settings.
Any information that you need configured before the first boot must be entered here in the User data area. See Plan Configuration Settings for Cloud Init.
In the Summary section to the right:
Review your launch configuration settings.
Make any changes necessary on the sections to the left.
After your review, select Launch instance.
It can take a several minutes for your instance to launch.
Select View Instances to view the state of your instance as it is being launched. You may need to search for the name of your instance in the Instances table if it is among many others.
At this point, if you wish to connect as System Administrator (ksadmin) to perform system level duties, duties such as performing network configurations, system upgrades, continue with the next step.
Refer to Groups for a more detailed list of ksadmin duties.
Otherwise, browse to step 18 to connect to the CipherTrust Manager Web Page.
Select your instance in the table and then select Connect.
The Connect To Your Instance dialog box appears:
Copy the instance Public DNS string, for example:
If using PuTTY, begin a new session.
Paste the Public DNS in the Host Name (or IP address) field and preface this string with "ksadmin@".
Set the Connection Type to SSH.
In the Category pane:
Select Connection > SSH > Auth.
Select Browse and navigate to the folder with your Private Key.
Select your Public Key file name. The file name and path is automatically places in the Private key file for authentication field.
Select Open. The following ksadmin screen appears:
If you are unable to connect to your instance using PuTTY, go to: for further assistance.
Connect to the CipherTrust Manager Web Page.
Copy the IPv4 Public IP or IPv6 IP address shown in the Instances > Description tab of your AWS instance.
Browse to HTTPS://
. The Log In screen appears.
Log in using the initial default credentials: Username = admin, Password = admin
The following notice is displayed:
If the default credentials do not work, you may need to retrieve an autogenerated password, as described in Changing the Initial Password.
Enter a new password using this default Password Policy:
A new Login screen appears.
Using your new password, log in again. The CipherTrust Manager Web Page appears.
Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your Virtual CipherTrust Manager instance.
Virtual CipherTrust Manager launches in Community Edition, with some restrictions on functionality. You can activate a 90 day trial evaluation for full functionality. To activate your instance with a trial evaluation, or a term or perpetual license, see Licensing.
Enhanced Networking
The CipherTrust Manager AMI ships with Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) enabled. ENA provides high-performance networking on supported EC2 instance types. For more information visit