Planning Network Configuration
You can configure multiple network interfaces after installing and initializing a CipherTrust Manager physical appliance or private cloud Virtual CipherTrust Manager.
This configuration uses GNOME NetworkManager and its nmcli tool
is available to the ksadmin
user through the CipherTrust Manager appliance's serial connection, or the Virtual CipherTrust Manager's console.
Modifying a remote network interface over SSH is risky. The remote connection will stop responding if the IP address settings are incorrectly configured, resulting in the remote machine being unreachable.
This section details available settings and techniques to plan your network configuration. There is also a network configuration tutorial available for a simple set up without network interface bonding, VLAN, or static routes.
You might wish to:
set IPv4 or IPv6 for a Network Device.
We suggest explicitly disabling IPv6 unless it is required for your network. That way, there are fewer IP addresses exposed for CipherTrust Manager network devices, and therefore fewer ways for potential attackers to reach CipherTrust Manager.
configure a Static IP Address or DHCP.
By default, CipherTrust Manager uses DHCP. You can configure a static IP address or DHCP so that CipherTrust Manager conforms to the way your network more broadly assigns IP addresses.
set a static MAC address for a connection
There is a known issue where network device names sometimes swap MAC addresses after a reboot. This has been observed for network interfaces beginning with
and bonded connections created from network interfaces beginning witheth
.We recommended creating a connection for each hardware network device so that the NetworkManager connection binds to the hardware device's MAC address instead of the network interface name, even if the network device is not connected. It is important to apply this to all network devices because even a network device that is not currently used may be used in the future.
A static route can restrict externally-bound services, such as a connection to an external root-of-trust HSM, to a specific network interface. You can additionally disable the default route so that only traffic for a specific external service goes through the network interface.
A bonded network interface provides redundancy and performance improvements by aggregating two or more network interfaces to form a single logical interface.
VLAN can be useful to virtually isolate CipherTrust Manager network interfaces from other systems on the physical network to enhance security without the need for additional network equipment.
Setting IPv4 or IPv6 Protocol for a Network Device
By default, NetworkManager uses auto
for ipv4.method
and ipv6.method
, creating both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a CipherTrust Manager network device. You can explicitly provide ipv4.method
and/or ipv6.method
to disable creation of either type of address.
You can specify IPv4 or IPv6 when first adding a network connection, or when modifying a network connection.
Disabling IPv6 for a network interface does not disable the link local address. As traffic to and from link local addresses cannot be propagated through a router, an IPv6 link local address generally does not present security concerns with external attackers. If you still need to disable the link local address, contact customer support.
To Add a New Connection with IPv4 Only
to see an active device's live values to create a connection. Retain the MAC address, shown as theGENERAL.HWADDR
value, for creating a connection later.In the
nmcli connection add
command, specifyipv4.method auto ipv6.method ignore
.View the connection details to ensure IPv6 is disabled.
is set toignore
for correct configuration. For example:
To Modify an Existing Connection to Disable IPv6
Modify the IPv6 configuration for the connection.
Apply the configuration changes to the connection.
View the connection details to ensure IPv6 is disabled.
is set toignore
for correct configuration.
Configuring Static IP Address or DHCP
If you are setting up a new connection, use nmcli conn add
to set static IP address or DHCP. If you are modifying an existing connection, use nmcli conn modify
to set static IP address or DHCP. By default, CipherTrust Manager attempts to use DHCP for its connections.
Both static IP sections include setting manual gateways and DNS servers.
To set a static IP for a new connection
to see an active device's live values to create a connection. Retain the MAC address, shown as theGENERAL.HWADDR
value, for creating a connection later.Run the following command, providing a gateway and DNS address, with the
method to set a static IPv4 address and no IPv6 address:To ensure that DHCP-provided DNS servers are ignored, run the command:
To activate the DNS setting, restart the connection using the
To change to a static IP from DHCP
Modify the connection, providing a manual static IP address, a gateway, and DNS servers.
To ensure that DHCP-provided DNS servers are ignored, run the command:
To activate the modification, restart the connection using the
To set DHCP for a new connection
to see an active device's live values to create a connection. Retain the MAC address, shown as theGENERAL.HWADDR
value, for creating a connection later.Run the following command with the
method to set DHCP with IPv4 and to ignore IPv6:
To change to DHCP from a static IP
Run the following command with the
method to set DHCP with IPv4 and to ignore IPv6:To activate the new setting, restart the connection using the
Configuring Static MAC Address
For CipherTrust Manager appliances, some configurations can result in alternating MAC address after reboot. We have observed alternating MAC addresses with network interface names beginning with eth
and bonded connections created from network interfaces beginning with eth
We recommended that each connection binds to the hardware device's MAC address instead of the network interface name, even if the network device is not connected. It is important to apply this to all network devices because even a network device that is not currently used may be used in the future.
To set a connection to a static MAC address
View MAC address currently in use for a network interface.
Example Result
value is the MAC address to associate to a connection name.Modify the desired connection to use the desired MAC address.
Apply the configuration change.
For bonded network interfaces, this feature should be used together with fail_over_mac=0
, which is the default setting.
Configuring Static Routes
You can use static routes to ensure that outbound traffic from a specific service only goes through a specific network interface.
For example, you might want to ensure traffic to an external root-of-trust HSM only takes place through the ens3 network interface. If you set a static route for ens3 that includes the HSM's IP address range, CipherTrust Manager directs all traffic bound for the HSM's IP address through ens3.
If you want to dedicate a network interface to only route traffic from a specific service, and not to route traffic from other services, you must also disable the default route.
To configure a static route:
Modify the NetworkManager connection to use a static route.
Run the command:
Apply the configuration change.
Run the command:
Verify that the route is active.
The output shows that the route is now active.
Disable the Default Route
If an interface should only communicate with IP addresses matching a static route for the interface, remove the default route entry. Removing the default route entry for an interface disallows traffic to all other destination IPs.
For example, if you set a static route to restrict HSM traffic to the eth1 interface, leaving the default entry in place means that CipherTrust Manager might also direct traffic for LDAP through eth1.
By default, all active network interfaces have a default route entry in the routing table. The metric value (lower means higher priority) determines which interface is used to route traffic that does not have an explicit static route. Unless otherwise configured, the metric value might change for a given interface (for example, after reboot or after modifying an interface's configuration) which might result in traffic for an external service being routed via a different interface.
Check if the interface has a default route. In this example we are checking for
.Example response
A default route for
is present on the second line.Remove the route for
.Verify that the default route is removed:
Example response
The default route for
is removed.
Bonding Network Interfaces
The official Linux kernel HOWTO documents this feature in detail.
The nmcli's reference documentation covers details specific to NetworkManager configuration.
Bonding network interfaces is intended for physical appliances, for example, CipherTrust Manager k570. It is generally not relevant to virtual CipherTrust Manager instances, as bonding is not useful in a virtual environment.
Start by using
to create a bonded connection for fail-over only (the most basic type of bond).Alternatively, for certain networking environments such as in a virtual environment, the default setting of
might not be optimal and settingfail_over_mac=1
can be an option. Please refer to the Linux Kernel HOWTO for more information. The command to create the bonded connection would then be:Next, use
to list devices and add some of them to the bond.Create the bond connections for
by specifyingbond0
as their master and bring them up. Notice thatens3
has an existing connection profile, so delete it first to ensure only the bond connection profile is used.Next, use
to bring up the bonded interface and confirm that it received an IP address.Verify the bonded interface continues to receive and transmit data when either of the enslaved network interfaces are down (e.g. by removing the cable, disabling the port in the switch, etc.).
It is recommended to restart the OS to verify that the bond persist across reboots. If it does not then check if a connection profile exist for any of the interfaces that compose this bond and have an equal or higher connection priority. Either delete the duplicate connection profile or increase the priority of the bonded connections so it has precedence.
Virtual LAN (VLAN)
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a mechanism to virtually isolate systems located on the same physical network. If you want to configure your CipherTrust Manager network adapters to use VLAN, we recommend having supporting network equipment and also configuring VLAN on the network layer.
VLAN can be configured with any VLAN ID and it is also possible to mix non-VLAN and multiple VLANs on the same network adapter. When mixing non-VLAN and multiple VLANs be careful to keep subnets and routing correct for the machine to be able to route traffic using the correct VLAN ID.
All examples are illustrated using a static IP address but DHCP can be used assuming there is a VLAN aware DHCP server on the network.
Switch a network adapter to VLAN only
This example disables any non-VLAN configuration on the selected network adapter and enables VLAN ID 10 with a static IP address. With this configuration, this machine can only talk to other machines using the same VLAN ID.
Delete any existing connections to make sure no stale configuration is left on the connections. If the connections are not already configured, the commands fail as expected with 'Error: unknown connection'.
Target setup:
with no network configurationens3.10
with VLAN ID 10 and a static IP address192.168.1.2
Setup commands:
Any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 10 unless there are other subnets and routes configured on this machine using the same subnet.
Mixing non-VLAN and VLAN on same network adapter
This example enables both non-VLAN and VLAN on the same network adapter with different subnets. With this configuration, this machine can talk to other machines without VLAN on one subnet and with VLAN on another subnet.
Delete any existing connections to make sure no stale configuration is left on the connection. If the connections are not already configured, the commands fail as expected with 'Error: unknown connection'.
Target setup:
with no VLAN and with static IP address192.168.1.2
with VLAN ID 10 and a static IP address192.168.2.2
Setup commands:
Any traffic to the subnet
does not use VLAN and any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 10 unless there are other subnets and routes configured on this machine using the same subnet.
Multiple VLANs on same network adapter
It is also possible to have multiple VLANs on the same network adapter. This example disables any non-VLAN configuration on the selected network adapter and enables VLAN ID 10 and VLAN ID 20 with static IP addresses with different subnets. With this configuration this machine can talk to two different VLANs using two different subnets.
Delete any existing connection to make sure no stale configuration is left on the connection. If the connections are not already configured, the commands fail as expected with 'Error: unknown connection'.
Target setup:
with no network configurationens3.10
with VLAN ID 10 and a static IP address192.168.1.2
with VLAN ID 20 and a static IP address192.168.2.2
Setup commands:
Any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 10 and any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 20 unless there are other subnets and routes configured on this machine using the same subnet.
VLAN with bonding
VLAN can also be used together with bonding. The principle is very similar to the normal non-bonding case with the difference that the bonded network adapter is used as the device. Consult Bonding Network Interfaces for more information on setting up bonding.
Switch a network adapter to VLAN only
This example disables any non-VLAN configuration on the selected bonded network adapter and enables VLAN ID 10 with a static IP address. With this configuration this machine can only talk to other machines using the same VLAN ID.
Delete any existing connection to make sure no stale configuration is left on the connection. If the connections are not already configured, the commands fail as expected with 'Error: unknown connection'.
Target setup:
with no network configurationbond0.10
with VLAN ID 10 and a static IP address192.168.1.2
Setup commands:
Any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 10 unless there are other subnets and routes configured on this machine using the same subnet.
Mixing non-VLAN and VLAN on same network adapter
This example enables both non-VLAN and VLAN on the same network adapter with different subnets. With this configuration this machine can talk to other machines without VLAN on one subnet and with VLAN on another subnet.
Delete any existing connection to make sure no stale configuration is left on the connection. If the connections are not already configured, the commands fail as expected with 'Error: unknown connection'.
Target setup:
with no VLAN and with static IP address192.168.1.2
with VLAN ID 10 and a static IP address192.168.2.2
Setup commands:
Any traffic to the subnet
does not use VLAN and any traffic to the subnet
uses VLAN 10 unless there are other subnets and routes configured on this machine using the same subnet.