The primary channels to interact with Application Data Protection are the CipherTrust Manager's GUI and REST.
In this guide we provide instructions to perform all management operations only through the GUI.
Graphical User Interface
Use this procedure to get access to the Application Data Protection features in the GUI.
Open the CM URL in a browser. The log in page is displayed.
Enter Username and Password.
Click Log In. The GUI of the CM is displayed.
By default, the Applications page is displayed with links to various applications.
Click the Application Data Protection link to access Application Data Protection console.
REST Interface
Use the REST interface from the API playground or through any REST client such as curl. The REST interface acquires an authorization token internally and uses it for making API calls.
Acquiring an Authorization Token
To acquire a token:
Open the CipherTrust Manager URL in a browser.
Click the API & CLI Documentation link. The API playground is displayed.
At the top right, click Authenticate.
Enter username and password.
Click POST.
This acquires an API token and prefills it in the playground examples. The token expires in 300 seconds (5 minutes). When it expires, use this tool again to acquire a new token.
On successful token generation, the remaining token expiry time in seconds is displayed. Two new buttons, Clear Credentials and Re Authenticate, are also displayed at the top right.
Using the Token
The authorization token acquired above is used in examples in the API playground. The token expires in 5 minutes; if expired, generate a new token, as described in Acquiring an Authorization Token.
Making an API Call
To make an API call, find the API in the left pane and click it. In the right pane, specify the required parameters, and click an appropriate button (for example, POST, GET, DELETE, or Curl). For example, to create a Protection Policy on the CipherTrust Manager:
In the left pane of the API playground, click Data Protection/Protection Policies.
Under Protection Policies, click Create. The Create section of the API playground is displayed in the right pane.
In the body field, specify required parameters with their values, as shown below.
Expand schema under the body field for names and types of fields. Hover your mouse over each field to view its description. The parameter names and casing in the body field must match with those shown in the schema. Also, ensure that parameters and their values are specified in double quotes.
Click POST.
Alternatively, to get an equivalent curl
command, click the Curl button. The curl
equivalent will be shown in the text field below. Use the curl
tool to run the command to make the REST API call.
Similarly, all API calls can be made by referring to the schema shown in the playground.