Realm Configuration
A realm manages a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A realm is isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users under their control.
This section describes steps to add and configure the realm.
Add a New Realm
Perform the following steps to create a new realm to use with SAS PCE:
Login to the Keycloak Admin UI as an Administrator user (created during Keycloak server installation).
In the left pane, click Add realm.
Realm should be created using the Import option.
Click Select File, and then select
file from SafeNetKeycloakAgent installation directory. -
Specify a realm name in the Name field, and click Create.
Once the realm is created, it lists the metadata associated with it, which can be further used in the configuration.
Access .well-known url for the realm to check the endpoints associated with this realm.
Configure the Realm
Perform the following steps to configure and manage the realm:
In the left pane, click Realm Settings, and select General.
To confirm if the certificate has been updated, click Endpoints and select OpenID Endpoint Configuration.
This displays a list of all the endpoints used by the Keycloak server in this realm. We use these endpoints to configure the IDPV server.
Click Save.