Microsoft Azure Deployment
You can deploy a Thales Data Platform within the Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platform, including in the Azure Government environment (Arizona, Iowa, Virginia, and Texas regions).
Minimum Requirements
To deploy a Thales Data Platform instance, the following minimum requirements apply:
On TDP version MISSING VARIABLE: version the minimum requirements for each node are:
System volume: minimum of 200 GB
Memory: 28 GB
vCPUs: 8
We recommend a 5-node cluster:
2 nodes as namenodes, Knox gateway,
3 nodes as datanodes and Node Manager.
See configuring TDP node for more details.
The config recommended for each node when a 5-node cluster:
- Standard_DS4 - 8 vcpus, 28 GiB memory
These minimum system requirements are for a system with light to moderate load. For applications that heavily load the system, additional memory and CPU allocation are required. The system volume holds all data as well as backups.
Deploying in Azure
This section provides the steps for deploying a Virtual Thales Data Platform instance in Microsoft Azure. Refer to the Azure documentation for general information on launching a VM in Microsoft Azure.
If using a Windows client, use PuTTY or similar utility to SSH to your Thales Data Platform instance, using the username that you create in the following Step 11, for example, tdpuser.
If needed, use PuTTYgen or similar utility to format the SSH Key Pair.
If using a Linux client, use SSH to your Thales Data Platform instance, using the username that you create in the following Step 11, for example, tdpuser.
To launch a Virtual Thales Data Platform instance
Sign in to the Azure or Azure Government portal.
Search for Thales Data Platform on the Marketplace page.
Select the Thales Data Platform image from the Virtual Machines group.
The following steps apply to the Azure recommended 'Resources Manager' deployment model.
Click Create. The first screen of the Create virtual machine page is displayed.
Change the Subscription type if desired.
Select an existing Resource group or enter the name for a new one.
Specify the Region of an Azure Datacenter. For example, West US.
For Azure government, this must be one of USGov Arizona, USGov Iowa, USGov Virginia, or USGov Texas.
Enter a Virtual machine name, which is the hostname for the virtual machine your are creating, for example, "tdp316n1".
Select the Size for the VM that supports the Minimum Requirements. Standard_DS4 is recommended at this time.
Select the SSH Public Key for the Authentication type.
SSH Public Key authentication must be used. Password authentication is not allowed when connecting as the initial user. We support OpenSSH format for the public key, and OpenSSH, PKCS1, or PKCS8 format for the private key.
For the Username, enter any name but not 'root', for example, tdpuser.
For the SSH public key source, select one of "Generate new key pair", "Use existing public key", "Use existing public key stored in Azure". We support OpenSSH format for the public key, and OpenSSH, PKCS1, or PKCS8 format for the private key.
It is important that you have access to the key pair you select, otherwise you will not have permissions to perform administrator operations like performing upgrades, advanced logging or an appliance reset.
In the SSH Public Key field, provide the necessary information for the SSH public key source selected in the last step.
Select Next: Disks >. The Disks screen is displayed.
Change the OS disk type to "Standard HDD", unless you desire a faster disk.
Select an Encryption type depending on the Azure-level disk encryption you prefer.
Select Next: Networking >. The Networking screen is displayed.
The Virtual Network, Subnet, Public IP and Configure network security group fields are populated with default values for this VM, if you have preset networking values for other Azure VMs. Create new values if needed.
For a list of security groups/ports, refer to Security Group Rules.
Select Next: Management >. The Management screen is displayed.
Select Next: Advanced > The Advanced screen is displayed.
Select Next: Tags >. The Tags screen is displayed.
Enter any desired tags.
Select Next: Review + create >. This is the final screen. Enter an email address, and click Create to launch the VM.
Azure will run an evaluation of your virtual machine creation configuration.
Select Create to begin deployment of this VM. This screen is displayed indicating that deployment is in process.
When deployment completes, this screen is displayed, providing access to all resources supporting the new VM.
Click Go to resource then click connect --> SSH. Follow the same instructions as in Connecting via SSH with client.
If using PuTTY, begin a new session.
Paste the Public IP address and preface with '<username>@', in which <username> is the one created in step 11.
Set the Connection Type to SSH.
In the Category pane:
Select Connection > SSH > Auth.
Select Browse and navigate to the folder with your Private Key.
Select your Public Key file name. The file name and path is automatically places in the Private key file for authentication field.
Select Open.
If you are unable to connect to your instance using PuTTY, go to Connect with SSH by using PuTTY for further assistance.
After the SSH session to your instance, run the following command, to switch to user 'root':
su -
Then follow the instructions in Changing the Initial Password and all its following steps: Network Configuration, Configuring Services After Deployment, and Post Install to continue configuring your Thales Data Platform cluster.
Connecting via SSH with client
Open the client of your choice, for example, PuTTY.
Ensure that you have read-only access to the private key.
chmod 400 tdpuser.pem
Provide a path to your SSH private key file.
Private key path:~/.ssh/tdpuser
Run the example command below to connect to your VM.
ssh -i <private key path> tdpuser@