4. Configuring Services After Deployment
Configure Ambari
Setting up a Multiple-Node Cluster
Use the same OVA image to create all nodes for a multiple-node cluster, for example 5-nodes. On each node, perform the step Changing the Initial Password and Network Configuration.
Choose one node as Ambari Server. On this node, run the script:
This will prompt you to set the admin password. This will be the password of the Ambari admin. You can use these credentials to access the Ambari UI.
When this script finishes, it shows you the private key that has been set up for the node. Please save the key. You will need it for setting up the Ambari server private key.
You can always view the private key later by issuing the cat .ssh/id_rsa
command, as illustrated in the example below:
On all other nodes, run the script:
This will prompt you for the public key of the Ambari server. Go to the Ambari server to retrieve the public key. This can be any of the two files:
Hadoop Services Installation Through Ambari
The Ambari server is configured to use TLS (https) at port 443 and using a self-signed certificate.
Navigate to Ambari GUI by using the hostname configured in the Set the Hostname. Log in as
with the password that you set in the step Configure Ambari.Tip
If you have troubles logging in, please refer to Accessing Ambari for further details.
0. Name the Cluster
Choose a name that you consider more appropriate and descriptive for your cluster:
1. Select Version
At this point, you should see the UI in this state:
In the Repositories screen, make sure that you select the Use Local Repository option and fill in the Base URL fields per the screenshot above. The only needed OS in the Ambari configuration is Redhat 7, with the string file:///var/repo/hdp
as value for the three paths. Those fields should be already filled in, if you can see any other OS, you can remove it.
- Click NEXT.
2. Install Options
In this screen the hosts are configured. Put the hostnames and private keys of all nodes that will be on your cluster. The private key is the one that you saved in the step Configure Ambari.
3. Confirm Hosts
The installation will start for all nodes. This can take a few minutes.
When this step finishes you may see the message "Some warnings were encountered while performing checks against the registered hosts above". This is a common behavior but usually there is no reason to worry so you can skip it.
- Click NEXT → whenever the button gets enabled.
4. Choose Services
Here, we are going to select the services that will be available on our virtual machine. These are the required services for DDC:
Yarn + MapReduce2
Ambari Metrics
In the list shown in the GUI, we only need to select those. In the next step, we'll add PQS and Livy to the cluster.
To save resources please unselect the following not-mandatory services:
Log Search
Infra Solr
When prompted if you accept the Limited Functionality Warning confirm by clicking PROCEED ANYWAY.
- Click NEXT →.
5. Assign Masters
All the services will be automatically distributed between all the nodes. You may keep all the default settings.
Click NEXT →.
6. Assign Slaves and Clients
Select "Livy for Spark2 Server" and "Phoenix Query Server" in all nodes that you want these services running. You will need to remember which hosts you selected when you reach the "Update Livy configuration for Knox" step.
This step is really important. Make sure that you select "Livy for Spark2 Server" in at least one of your hosts because it is a hard requirement for DDC.
Click NEXT →.
7. Customize Services
The services can be installed during the TDP installation or at any moment. If this is configured during the installation, you will not have to restart the installed services. It is possible to do so when a new service is installed, however in this case you will have to restart the services.
At this point, you only need to provide credentials for different services and review the installation.
Create the Knox master secret password and store it somewhere.
You will need the Knox master secret password when you get to the step Updating and Exporting the Knox Server Certificate. It must have at least 6 characters.
In the CREDENTIALS section you will also be asked to set passwords for Grafana and Hive.Click NEXT →.
DATABASES sub-step
Click NEXT →.
Click NEXT →.
ACCOUNTS sub-step
Click NEXT →.
HDFS tab, SETTINGS sub-tab
HDFS tab, ADVANCED sub-tab
- If the Advanced ssl-client section is red please expand it and re-confirm
- If the Advanced ssl-client section is red please expand it and re-confirm
Click NEXT →.
8. Review
Review the configuration created
Click DEPLOY →.
9. Install, Start and Test
If any of the required services fails to start automatically, you may need to start it manually. In case of repeated problems, please check out the service log for additional troubleshooting information. Refer to the article "Viewing Service Logs" on the Hortonworks documentation pages for details.
When the installation completes, click NEXT.
10. Summary
In the next step you will continue with the ”Post Install” section.
For more detailed information about the above procedure, refer to the Hortonworks official webpage.
Steps to Set up Additional Nodes in the Hadoop Cluster
Optionally, you may add an additional node (or nodes) to the cluster after the above steps.
Use the same OVA image to create all nodes for a multiple-node cluster, for example 5-nodes. On each node, perform the step Changing the Initial Password and Network Configuration.
Then run the script:
This will prompt you for the public key of the Ambari server. Go to the Ambari server to retrieve the public key. This can be any of the two files:
Once the node is set up, log in to the Ambari server and add the node to the cluster with the following steps:
Go to the Ambari UI.
Click the Hosts button in the menu on the left. You should see the list of nodes already present on the cluster.
Click Actions -> Add New Hosts.
As in the host names field you can add more than one node, you can add more than one node at the same time. However, the previous steps are required on every node.
The Ambari server must solve the hostname of each node and the node must be accessible from it.
On the ssh private key field you need to paste the private key of the Ambari Server node (typically, the first node of your cluster).
Click Register and Confirm.
Now, you just have to follow the instructions and add the desired services on the new node.
If you are setting up an additional node in the TDP cluster upgraded from a previous version, rename the repo path on the new node to match the repo path of the existing nodes in the cluster and recreate the repo.
For example to add a new node in cluster upgrade from to 3.1.6:
1. Rename the repo:mv /var/repo/hdp /var/repo/hdp-316
2. Re-create the repo:createrepo /var/repo/hdp-316
Perform these steps on a new node before running the /root/setup/node_setup.sh