Registering KMIP Client
To register KMIP client:
In the CipherTrust Manager UI, import the KMIP domain CA.
It is necessary to import the KMIP domain CA, so that the ROOT admin can link it to the KMIP interface of the CipherTrust platform.
Go to Keys and Access Management > CA and paste the CA content in the Upload External Certificate field.
Click Upload.
Go to the Admin settings > Interfaces tab and edit the KMIP interface to add/declare the KMIP domain CA.
At this stage, CipherTrust Manager is ready to accept KMIP connection from the VMWare client using Private Key & Certificate.
It is recommended to restart the CipherTrust services to take into account the new CA. To do so:
Using ksctl:
Execute the following command:
Using CipherTrust Manager UI:
Go to Admin Settings > System > Services and restart the services.
After registering the KMIP client, you need to configure VMware. For more details, refer to Configuring VMWare VCenter.