CTE Client Groups
Another consideration is the folders that are under DFS(R) control. If the folders and volumes are identical on all nodes of the DFS topology (i.e. F:\Data) then it is considered best practice to configure all nodes within a DFS topology under a single CipherTrust Client Group. This ensures consistency when apply Guard Paths across the DFS topology.
To create a client group:
Open the CTE application.
Click Clients > Client Groups.
Click Create Client Group. The Create Client Group dialog box displays.
Enter the following:
Client Group name: DFSR
Password creation method: Generate
Cluster Type: Non-Cluster
Client profile: The DFSR profile you created
Communication Enabled: Slide to activate
Click Next.
On the Add Clients window, select Client group members and click Next.
Select Inherit Client Group Settings and click OK.
On the Add GuardPoint page, click Create GuardPoint.
Select the DFSR Policy in the Policy section. Click Browse to browse to the host, select the DFSR mount point and DfsrPrivate folder, then click Create.
Confirm that the GuardPoints are correct and click Next.
On the confirmation page, verify all is correct and then click Create.
Mixed DFS(R) Topologies with Client Groups
In those environments where the DFS(R) folders are different on the individual nodes, then the GuardPoints must be configured for each DFS(R) node. Client groups cannot be deployed as the guard paths on each node will be different. In these cases, Thales recommends stopping the DFS services on this node before guarding the path. For a full Mesh topology, all of the nodes must be transformed and guarded at the same time. The last step after guarding the data is to Start the DFS(R) services.