About systemd Dependency Changes for Unit Configuration Files
The previous table describes the effect of the required unit configuration file changes that are described in the following sections. See the systemd documentation for more information about the After=
and BindsTo=
unit configuration options.
In some cases, the unit configuration file for an application other than CTE may be overwritten when the application is upgraded. After upgrading an application, verify that changes to that application’s unit configuration file are still in place. Changes to the secfs-fs-barrier.service
file are retained after you upgrade CTE.
The secfs-fs-barrier.service
service ensures that CTE services and dependent applications start after CTE services and stop before CTE services as needed during system startup, shutdown, and when starting and stopping services on a live system. This special service manages the dependencies between applications and the secfs-fs, secfs-init, secfsd
, and vmd
services that make up the CTE agent:
File and Change | Purpose |
File: Application-specific unit configuration file Add this line to [Unit] section:After=secfs-fs-barrier.service |
In conjunction with the BindsTo= option, this option ensures that the application starts after the CTE agent on system startup. |
File: Application-specific unit configuration file Add this line to [Unit] section:BindsTo=secfs-fs-barrier.service |
If the CTE agent shuts down, the application also shuts down. |
File: secfs-fs-barrier.service Add each application to the existing Before= line in the [Unit] section.Add saslauthd.service to the existing Before= line in the [Unit] section. |
Ensure that the secfs-fs-barrier.service starts before the application services mentioned in the Before= l |