Best Practices for the Migration of a legacy Raw Device Guardpoint to an Efficient Storage Guardpoint
Starting with CTE Agent v7.1.1, users can migrate an existing Raw Device GuardPoint to an Efficient Storage GuardPoint (ESG). The migration steps described in this section make use of the ESG In-Place Data Transformation process to re-encrypt existing data, within a Device GuardPoint that was using an AES-CBC encryption key, to a new ESG GuardPoint using an AES-XTS encryption key, all while preserving the existing data on the device.
You must use an In-Place Data Transformation policy for migration of legacy Raw Device GuardPoints to ESG.
Once the migration to an ESG GuardPoint is completed, the new ESG GuardPoint automatically makes use of the data reduction feature if the following conditions are met:
The host/agent is registered to a CipherTrust Manager domain that is KMIP-enabled.
The XTS keys used with the In-Place policy as part of migration has KMIP Accessible enabled.