Log Messages
Below is the list of messages logged when an error occurs, along with some troubleshooting tips for each scenario. The list of tips is by no means exhaustive.
In situations when the error is accompanied by an exception, that exception message text is usually displayed in the log entry.
Log Entry | Explanation |
checkIfLuhnCheckIsValidForFormat, Luhn check is not valid when using the format value <format> | Luhn checks cannot be applied when the token format is SEQUENTIAL_TOKEN, EMAIL_ADDRESS_TOKEN, FIXED_FIRST_TWO_LAST_FOUR_FAIL_LUHN_TOKEN, FIRST_SIX_LAST_FOUR_FAIL_LUHN_TOKEN, or any of the date formats. Review your call to insert() or mask(). |
checkIfValueIsValidForLuhnCheck, Input data must have at least <number> digits when applying a Luhn check. | To apply a Luhn check, the input data must have at least 10 digits. Review your input data to be sure that it conforms with this setting. |
closeService <text from underlying exception> | An exception was thrown when trying to close the database connection. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. |
closeService, Closing Token Service | A problem was encountered when closing the connections to the Key Manager and the database. Check those connections. |
countofTrailingSpecialCharacters, Unable to tokenize the value -- no space for tokens | Given the combination of token format and input value, there is not enough data to tokenize. Review the length of the input data and the token format you’ve selected. If you are using a format created by calling createNewFormat(), be sure that the combination of leadPositions, trailPositions, leadMask, and luhnCheck leave space for the token values. |
CreateNewFormat, (leadPositions + trailPositions) cannot be more than token length | When creating a new token format, the lead and trail position values cannot be larger than the token length. Check the leadPositions, trailPositions, and tokenLength parameters passed to createNewFormat(). Remember that the smaller the difference between leadPositions + trailPositions and tokenLength, the less room there is for the CT-V to generate a token value. |
createNewFormat, Illegal characters in the leadMask. Only digits are allowed. | leadMask contains illegal characters. leadMask can have digits only. |
CreateNewFormat, Lead and Trail positions values cannot be negative. | Your new token format includes negative values for the lead and/or trail positions. Remove the negative values. |
CreateNewFormat, luhnCheck valid values are -1, 0, 1. | Use a valid value for luhnCheck. |
CreateNewFormat, The length of leadMask cannot be equal to token length when luhnCheck is -1 or 1. | When creating a new token format, the leadMask value cannot be equal to the tokenLength when luhnCheck is -1 or 1. Check the leadMask and tokenLength parameters passed to createNewFormat(). Remember that the smaller the difference between leadMask and tokenLength, the less room there is for the CT-V to generate a token value. |
CreateNewFormat, The length of leadMask cannot be more than token length. | When creating a new token format, the leadMask value cannot be larger than the tokenLength. Check the leadMask and tokenLength parameters passed to createNewFormat(). Remember that the smaller the difference between leadMask and tokenLength, the less room there is for the CT-V to generate a token value. |
CreateNewFormat, Token cannot be longer than 256 characters | A token cannot be larger than 256 characters. Check your application’s call to createNewFormat(). tokenLength must be 256 or less. |
CreateNewFormat, Token length cannot be negative | tokenLength cannot be a negative number. Check your application’s call to createNewFormat(). |
deleteToken, <text from underlying exception> | An exception was thrown when trying to delete a token from the token vault. View the exception message for more information. |
deleteToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | An exception was thrown when trying to close the database connection. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. |
deleteToken, Illegal characters in the token. | The token contains illegal characters. The token value can have digits, whitespace, and dashes only. |
deleteToken, No tokens passed in. | No token was passed with the call to deleteToken(). Check that your calling application is passing a valid token value. |
deleteToken, Table name is missing. | No token vault name was included with the call to deleteToken(). Check that your calling application includes the token vault name. |
deleteToken, Token cannot be null | The token passed with the call to deleteToken()contains a null value. Check that your calling application is passing a valid token value. |
deleteValue, Crypto error | An XMLException, IOException, or GeneralSecurityException was thrown when trying to delete a value from the token vault. The TokenException includes the message from the underlying exception. Review that text for more information. |
deleteValue, Custom data for element <value> exceeds the maximum custom data length of <max length> | The custom data included in this method call exceeds the maximum length. Review the call to getToken(), insert(), get(), or deleteValue(). The maximum length for the custom data field is included in the exception and error messages. |
deleteValue, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
deleteValue, Illegal characters in the data. | The plaintext contains illegal characters. The plaintext value can have digits, whitespace, and dashes only. The first and last characters must be digits. |
deleteValue, No values passed in. | The plaintext value is either null, or contains no values. The plaintext value can have digits, whitespace, and dashes only. It cannot be null or empty. |
deleteValue, Table name is missing. | The token vault name is missing. Verify that the method or command includes a value for the token vault name. |
deleteValue, The values and customData arrays must have the same number of elements. | The values and customData arrays do not have the same number of elements. Review your application’s call to deleteValue(). |
deleteValue, Value cannot be null. | The plaintext value is either null, or contains no values. The plaintext value can have digits, whitespace, and dashes only. It cannot be null or empty. |
Empty arguments | The call to SetupDB is missing arguments. Check that the statement adheres to the usage requirements. |
Encryption key is not set for <table> | There is no key associated with your token vault. Verify that you are using the correct token vault name and that the token vault was properly configured. |
formatToken, Token and cleartext should be the same length. | Plaintext and the token must be the same length. |
generateFirstSixLastFourFailLuhnToken, Input value is too short for specified format | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateFirstSixLastFourToken, Database error <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFirstSixLastFourToken, Database error: <message> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFirstSixLastFourToken, Input value is too short for specified format. | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateFirstSixToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFirstSixToken, Input value is too short for specified format. | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateFirstTwoLastFourToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateFirstTwoLastFourToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFirstTwoLastFourToken, Input value is too short for specified format. | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateFixedFirstTwoLastFourToken, Input value is too short for specified format | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateFixedNineteenToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateFixedNineteenToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFixedTwentyLastFourFailLu hnToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateFixedTwentyLastFourFailLu hnToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateFixedTwentyLastFourToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateFixedTwentyLastFourToken, Database error <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateLastFourToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateLastFourToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateLastFourToken, Input value is too short for specified format. | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateNewToken, <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateNewToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateNewToken, Input value is too short for specified format. | The input value must be appropriate for the token format. Check that the input value is correct for the token format. |
generateRandomAlphaNumeric, Alpha characters not allowed when using the Luhn check. | To use the Luhn check, the input data must contain only numeric values. Review your input data to be sure that only numeric values exist. |
generateRandomToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |
generateRandomToken, Database error: <text from underlying exception> | There was a database-related error. This could have been when trying to register the database driver, access the database or close the connection. The exception error message has more information. Confirm that the database-related parameters in the SafeNetToken.properties file are correct. Confirm that the database connection is working properly. Verify that the database user has the privileges needed to SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO the token vault and sfnt_key_table. |
generateSequentialToken <text from underlying exception> | An error was encountered when trying to generate a token. Check the exception message for more information. |