Uninstall CDP
To uninstall CDP:
Unencrypt all previously-migrated tables.
Delete all associated database connections.
Run the install script with the uninstall flag.
Enter one of the following commands, depending on the operating system:
Windows install.bat uninstall
UNIX/Linux install.sh uninstall
Enter the following information when prompted:
Passwords for the SYS and metadata (INGRIAN) users.
Enter the Pluggable Database (PDB) name.
Path to ORACLE_HOME for the installation. (For Windows installation)
The uninstall process then drops or deletes the following CDP items:
Stored procedures
User-defined functions
Metadata objects
Uninstall CDP Localonly Installation
WARNING ! Do not use the uninstall option to uninstall the CDP localonly installation. The localonly installation must be uninstalled by using the uninstall localonly option.
To uninstall the CDP localonly installation:
Unencrypt all of the previously-migrated tables.
Delete all of the associated database connections.
Run the install script with the uninstall localonly flag. Enter one of the following commands, depending on the operating system.
Windows install.bat uninstall localonly
UNIX/Linux install.sh uninstall localonly
Enter the following information when prompted:
Password for the metadata (INGRIAN) user.
Path to ORACLE_HOME for this installation (for Windows).