This API verifies the signature of message text using RSA or EC public key.
Input Parameters
Parameters | Description |
username | User name (optional). |
password | Password associated with the user (optional). |
keyname | Name of RSA or EC key pair containing public key. |
messagetext | Message for signing verification. It must be in the same format as specified in the messageformat parameter. |
signature | signature of RSA or EC signing for verification in Hex. |
transformation | Transformation to be used. Provide one of the RSA/EC signverify transformations supported by CADP for Java . |
format | Format to be used. This is an optional parameter. Supported signing CMS formats are: — cms/detached/der/enveloped — cms/detached/der — cms/detached/smime/enveloped — cms/detached/smime |
messageformat | Message format to be used. This is an optional parameter. Supported message formats are: — HEX — STR(default) |
caname | Name of the CA used for verifying. This is an optional parameter. |
certAlias | Client certificate alias for making SSL connections (optional). |
certPass | Password for the provided certificate alias (optional). |
The following transformations don't support CMS format:
— SHA1withRSAPSSPadding
— SHA256withRSAPSSPadding
— SHA384withRSAPSSPadding
— SHA512withRSAPSSPadding
— SHA256withECDSA
— SHA384withECDSA
— SHA512withECDSA
— RSAPSSPaddingSHA256
— RSAPSSPaddingSHA384
— RSAPSSPaddingSHA512For KeySecure 8.12.5 onward, following transformations are added to sign the data based on pre-calculated hash: RSA, RSAPSSPaddingSHA1, RSAPSSPaddingSHA256, RSAPSSPaddingSHA384, and RSAPSSPaddingSHA512. These transformations support saltlength parameter.
Sample REST call for cxf
Sample SOAP Parameters
boolean – result of verification.