This API encrypts data using key specified by name.
Input Parameters
Parameters | Description |
keyname | Name of the key to be used for encryption. |
plaintext | ASCII text to be encrypted, or hex if binary encryption is desired. |
keyiv | Optional/blank. If blank, use the key’s default IV, else, specify in Hex characters. The number of Hex character must be specific to the transformation used. |
transformation | Transformation to be used. For example: AES/ ECIES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. For more information on supported ECIES transformations, refer to the CipherTrust Application Data Protection for Java User Guide. Note The ARIA and SEED algorithms are not supported by CADP for Java WebServices. |
Sample SOAP Parameters
Encrypted data in Hex format.
In almost all cases, the keyiv and transformation should not be specified: It is a useful practice to utilize the Key Manager capability to store the IV for the application and AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding – the default - is the most recommended cipher block mode.