Creating Azure Certificates
Use the post /v1/cckm/azure/certificates
API to create Azure certificates.
Specify the following details.
Name for the certificate.
Name or ID of the key vault where the certificate will be created.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AUTHTOKEN | string | Authorization token. |
azure_param | JSON | Azure certificate parameters. Refer to Azure Parameters for details. |
cert_name | string | Name for the Azure certificate. Certificate names can only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (- ). |
key_vault | string | Name or ID of the Azure vault where the certificate will be created. Vaults stored in Azure Managed HSM pools are not supported. |
Azure Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
policy | JSON | Policy for the certificate. A certificate policy includes information such as: • Issuer of the X.509 component of the certificate • Properties of the key backing the certificate • Properties of the X.509 component of a certificate • Attributes of the certificate • Actions that will be performed by the key vault over the lifetime of the certificate • Secret properties. |
tags | JSON | An optional parameter to add additional information to the certificate. The value must be specified as the key-value pair. Refer to the following rules on tag values. |
CCKM allows the following characters in tag values:
Alphanumeric characters
Special characters ** ! @ # $ ) ( { } > < ? + - / [ ] ^ & + = | ~ ` ; . ' _ **
CCKM does not allow colon (:) and percent (%) special characters in tag values.
Issuer Details
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the referenced issuer object or reserved names. Set to Self for a self-signed certificate. |
cert_transparency | boolean | Whether the certificates generated under this policy should be published to certificate transparency logs. Not valid for self-signed certificates. |
cty | string | Type of the certificate supported by the provider. For example, OV-SSL or EV-SSL. Not valid for self-signed certificates. |
Key Properties
Parameter | Type | Description |
kty | string | The type of key to create. The options are: • EC: "Soft" Elliptic Curve key. • EC-HSM: "Hard" Elliptic Curve key (only for premium key vaults). • RSA: "Soft" RSA key. • RSA-HSM: "Hard" RSA key (only for premium key vaults). |
crv | string | Elliptical curve name for the key. The options are: • P-256 • P-384 • P-521 • SECP256K1 |
exportable | boolean | Whether the private key can be exported. Not valid for RSA-HSM and EC-HSM keys. |
key_size | integer | Size for the RSA and RSA-HSM keys. The options are: •2048 •3072 •4096 |
reuse_key | boolean | Whether the same key pair will be used on certificate renewal. |
X.509 Properties
Parameter | Type | Description |
subject | string | The subject name. Should be a valid X.509 distinguished name. |
ekus | array of strings | Enhanced key usage. For example, ",". |
key_usage | array of strings | Allowed key usages. The options are: •CRLSign •DataEncipherment •DecipherOnly •DigitalSignature •EncipherOnly •KeyAgreement •KeyCertSign •KeyEncipherment •NonRepudiation |
sans | JSON | Subject Alternative Names (SANs). Specify dns_names , emails , and User Principal Names (upns ). |
validity_months | integer | Duration (in months) for which the certificate is valid. |
Certificate Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
enabled | boolean | Whether the certificate is enabled (true /false ). |
exp | string | Expiration date for the certificate in Unix Epoch time format. For example, the corresponding epoch time for September 9, 2022, 5:52:20 AM is 1662702740. |
nbf | string | Activation date for the certificate in Unix Epoch time format. For example, the corresponding epoch time for September 9, 2022, 5:52:20 AM is 1662702740. The certificate cannot be activated before this date. |
Lifetime Actions
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | JSON | The action to perform on the certificate. Specify action_type , which can be AutoRenew or EmailContacts . |
trigger | JSON | The condition that will trigger the action. Specify either of the following: • days_before_expiry: Days before expiry to attempt renewal. Value should be between 1 and validity_in_months multiplied by 27. If validity_in_months is 36, then value should be between 1 and 972 (36 * 27).• lifetime_percentage: Percentage of lifetime at which to trigger the action. Value should be between 1 and 99. |
and days_before_expiry
are mutually exclusive - specify either.
Secret Properties
Parameter | Type | Description |
contentType | string | Content type of the secret backing the certificate. The options are: • application/x-pkcs12 • application/x-pem-file |
Example Request
Example Response
The sample output shows that a certificate is created in the Azure vault.
Response Codes
Response Code | Description |
2xx | Success |
4xx | Client errors |
5xx | Server errors |
Refer to HTTP status codes for details.