Fetching List of Azure Certificates
Use the get /v1/cckm/azure/certificates
API to fetch the list of Azure certificates from the Azure vault. The results can be filtered using the query parameters.
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
AUTHTOKEN | string | Authorization token. |
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | Internal ID of the Azure certificate. |
key_vault | string | Name of the Azure key vault. |
key_vault_id | string | ID of the key vault. |
cert_name | string | Name of the certificate. |
cloud_name | string | Name of the cloud. |
region | string | Region name. |
crv | string | Name of the elliptic curve. |
status | string | Status of the certificate. |
backup | string | Backed up certificates. |
enabled | boolean | Enabled certificates. |
key_size | integer | Size of the key. |
job_config_id | string | ID of the scheduler configuration job. |
deleted_in_azure | boolean | Fetches the certificates based on their availability in Azure. |
algorithm | string | Key algorithm. |
cid | string | Filter the results by Azure certificate ID. |
kid | string | Key ID on Azure. |
sid | string | Secret ID on Azure. |
gone | boolean | Fetches certificates based on their existence in the cloud. |
version | string | Fetches certificates by version. If version is specified as -1 , the keys are filtered by latest version. |
rotation_job_enabled | boolean | Fetches certificates based on the rotation job status. |
tags | string | Fetches certificates based on their tags. |
cert_material_origin | string | Source of the certificate material. The origin of the certificate can be: • cckm: Material is created on CCKM. • native: Material is created on the Azure cloud. |
managed | boolean | Fetches certificates managed by Azure vaults. |
cert_source | string | Filter the results by certificate source. |
skip | integer | Number of records to skip. For example, if "skip":5 is specified, the first five records will not be displayed in the output. |
limit | integer | Numbers of records to display. For example, if "limit":10 is specified, then the next 10 records (after skipping the number of records specified in the skip parameter) will be displayed in the output. |
sort | string | Comma-delimited list of properties to sort the results. |
Example Request
Example Response
Response Codes
Response Code | Description |
2xx | Success |
4xx | Client errors |
5xx | Server errors |
Refer to HTTP status codes for details.