Oracle Cloud Deployment
Minimum Requirements
To deploy a CipherTrust Manager instance, the following minimum requirements apply:
Boot Disk: 1 volume, minimum size: (46.6 GB for evaluation purposes, 100 GB for production)
Memory: 16 GB
vCPUs: 2
NICs: 1
These minimum system requirements are for a system with light to moderate load. For applications that heavily load the system, additional memory and CPU allocation are required. The system volume holds all data as well as backups.
Deploying in Oracle Cloud
Steps for deploying a CipherTrust Manager instance in Oracle Cloud:
Log in to Oracle Cloud.
Click menu button on top left corner, then navigate to Core Infrastructure > Compute > Instances.
Click Create Instance.
Create Compute Instance page opens.Specify a name for the instance.
Click Change Image.
Browse All Images popup opens.Go to the Custom Images tab.
Select the desired image.
Click Select Image.
Select the desired Availability Domain.
To learn more about Availability Domains, click here.
Select the desired Shape.
To learn more about Compute Shapes, click here.
In the Configure Networking section, specify/select the following settings:
Virtual Cloud Network Compartment
Select a Virtual Cloud Network
Subnet Compartment
Use Network Security Groups to control traffic (optional)
It is recommended to use a Network Security Group to monitor/control the network traffic. To learn more about Network Security Groups, click here.
Depending on your requirements, select one of the following:
Assign a Public IP Address
To make this instance accessible through internet.Do Not Assign a Public IP Address
To make this instance accessible through private network only.
In the Boot Volume section, specify/select the following options:
Specify a Custom Boot Volume Size
To deploy a Thales CipherTrust Manager instance, the system volume requirements must be at least 100 GB in a production environment and 46.6 GB when evaluating the product.
Volume Size affects the Boot Volume performance. To learn more, click here.
Use In-Transit Encryption
To read more about Oracle's In-Transit or At-Rest Encryption, click here.
Encrypt this volume with a key that you manage
Select this option if you wish to encrypt the data in this volume using your own Vault service encryption key. After selecting this checkbox, specify the following:Vault compartment
Vault (containing the master encryption key you want to use)
Master Encryption Key Compartment
Master Encryption Key
If this option is enabled, both at-rest encryption and in-transit encryption are performed using this key.
In the Add SSH Keys section, use one of the following options:
The key pair should be in Linux (PEM) format, not OpenSSH format.
Generate SSH Keys
Use this option to generate the SSH keys on-the-go. Then download the keys using the links provided.
Use SSH Key Files
If you already have SSH key files, then select this option and then upload the public key file.
Paste SSH Keys
If you already have SSH key files, then paste the contents of the public key file in the field provided.
You can add additional keys, if required. To learn how to generate a SSH Key pair, click here. Ensure that the resulting key pair is in PEM format instead of OpenSSH format.
If it is desired to specify custom Cloud-Init configuration, then click Show Advanced Options, go to Management tab, and paste your Cloud-InIt configuration script.
Click Create. The Oracle Cloud Instance will be created. Use its public/private IP to access CipherTrust Manager.
Connect to the CipherTrust Manager k170v Web Page.
Select the resource with the IP address, in this example: Keysecure-k170v-test-ip.
Browse to this IP address (in this example enter The Log In screen appears.
Log in using the initial default credentials: Username = admin, Password = admin
The following notice is displayed:
If the default credentials do not work, you may need to retrieve an autogenerated password, as described in changing the initial password.
Enter a new password using this default Password Policy:
A new Login screen appears.
Using your new password, log in again. The CipherTrust Manager k170v Web Page appears.
Virtual CipherTrust Manager includes a 90 day trial license. To activate your instance with a term or perpetual license, see Activating Licenses.