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SMS credits


SMS credits

Please Note:

SMS credits

The SMS Credits module displays the current SMS Credits Balance, the low Balance Alert Level, and the total SMS Messages Sent by this Account.

  • On the SAS console, select Snapshot > SMS Credits.


Field Description
SMS Credit Balance The number of SMS credits available. The SMS Credit Balance is decremented each time an SMS message is sent.
Low Balance Alert Level

The value at which SAS will alert Operators that the SMS Credit Balance is low.

An alert is generated when the SMS Credit Balance equals the Low Balance Alert Level.

SMS Message Sent

The number of SMS messages sent. The value is incremented each time an SMS message is sent. The count resets to zero on the 1 millionth message sent.

Allocate SMS credits

Allocating SMS credits charges accounts, in advance, for the use of SMS services. Each SMS message that the account sends uses one credit (assuming customized message lengths do not exceed the SMS character limit, resulting in two or more SMS transmissions per message). SAS decrements the account’s SMS credits inventory every time a message is sent.

Use this option if the account wants to use SMS/OTP, or if it will be configured to send alerts via SMS.

This option is available only if the Virtual Server has a configured SMS gateway or SMS modem, or if the account is a Service Provider that has SMS credits in inventory.

SAS can send an alert to an Account Manager if an account’s remaining SMS credits fall below a specified threshold.

  1. In the Allocation module, select Allocate.

  2. Select the SMS Credits option and select Next.


    The SMS Credits Inventory is unlimited if, as a Service Provider, you have configured an SMS gateway in the Virtual Server.

    An SMS Credits Inventory of 0 indicates that as a Virtual Service Provider, you have not configured an SMS gateway and have either not purchased or consumed all SMS credits allocated to your account by your Service Provider.

  3. Enter the number of SMS Credits to Allocate to the account.

  4. Select Next and follow the steps.