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Server and agent settings

Download an encryption key for remote services


Download an encryption key for remote services

Please Note:

Download an encryption key for remote services

Remote service allows command line clients to send management instructions to the Virtual Server. Security sensitive data sent between the server and agents is protected by AES 256 encryption. To encrypt the traffic and to prevent unauthorized command line clients, the Virtual Server requires that each client use an identical encryption key file.

A default encryption key file is automatically created by the Virtual Server.

For optimum security a new encryption key file should be created and used to replace all default remote service key files.

  1. Select Comms > Authentication Processing > Remote Service Settings. Remote Services
  2. Select Create.
  3. To create a Remote Service Key File, click the Remote Service Settings hyperlink.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Download the newly created key file and use it when prompted during configuration of any SafeNet agent that will authenticate against the Virtual Server.