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Provisioning tokens to users

Provision tokens


Provision tokens

Please Note:

Provision tokens

You can provision tokens for users in the following ways:

  • Manually provision tokens: Manually assign and deliver tokens to one or more users from a list of authentication choices using the Provision functionality.

  • Automatically provision tokens: Combine provisioning rules with pre-authentication rules to automatically migrate users from static passwords to token authentication without service interruption.

Manually provision tokens

To manually provision tokens for users:

  1. On the SAS console, search for users.

  2. From the Assignment > Search User module, select the check box for one or more User IDs and then click Provision.


    This refines the list to include only those users selected for provisioning.

  3. Click Provision again.


  4. Select the type of authentication to be issued to each of the users in the list. You can add a comment about this provisioning task in the Description field.

    • Available: Indicates the quantity of authentication types that are in inventory and available for provisioning.

    • Reserved for Provisioning Tasks: Specific tokens (serial numbers) are not removed from inventory until enrollment is complete. This column represents the amount of inventory that has been committed by other provisioning tasks.

  5. Select the Authentication Type to provision.

  6. Click Provision and then click Confirm.

SAS creates a provisioning task and sends the users email with instructions about enrollment. The content of the email message is customizable and varies depending on the token type.