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SafeNet Keycloak Agent

Logging in SafeNet Agent for Keycloak


Logging in SafeNet Agent for Keycloak

Please Note:

Logging in SafeNet Agent for Keycloak

The SafeNet Agent for Keycloak utilizes Keycloak provided logging (jboss-logging). The default logging is created under the {keycloakDirectory}\standalone\log\server.log file.

Default Logging

In the Default Logging, the logging level is determined by under the logger category and root-logger categories.

The following Keycloak Log Levels are provided in the Default Logging:



  • WARN

  • INFO


Add the Log Handler

To add the log handler in SafeNet Keycloak Agent, update the logging section in the {keycloakDirectory}\conf\keycloak.conf file.

  • Add the log handler in server configuration


Add and Update the log levels

To add or update the log level and the root log level in SafeNet Keycloak Agent, add and update the logging section in the {keycloakDirectory}\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml file.

  • Add the log level server configuration:

--log-level=<log-level>, <PackageName>:<log-level>
For Example, to enable log level through conf file:
log-level=INFO, com.safenet:DEBUG

For more details about logging customization, refer to

  • Update the log level in the following code:

--log-level= <packageName>:<LogLeveltoBeUpdated>

Choose the log level from the list of log levels provided in Default Logging section.

  • Update root log level using the following code:
