Oracle RAC ASMLib Multi-Disk Online Method
The online method describes how to remove, protect and add disks to a diskgroup.
Using the Online Method assumes that there is enough free space in the diskgroup so that you can drop/remove, protect and then add the disk back into the diskgroup.
During the initial investigation, you may want to ensure that you have the correct raw device name for each disk that you plan on protecting. Before making any changes to the ASM configuration, obtain the definitive device names for each disk by running the following from the command prompt:
oracleasm querydisk –p <diskName>
To add the disk to the diskgroup using the online method and make it ready for use:
Open a terminal session on both RAC Nodes.
On RAC Node 1, perform the following:
On the ASM, type the following to remove a disk for the diskgroup.
Delete the disk from ASM, type:
oracleasm deletedisk <diskName>
Verify that the disk is deleted from the ASM and therefore, it is not listed, type:
oracleasm listdisks
If you are planning to apply a GuardPoint to a raw device that is currently in an ASM diskgroup, you must remove and delete the disk from the diskgroup before you apply the GuardPoint. ASMLib will not see the guarded disk if you skip this step. When deleting the disk, make sure that the deletion completes before continuing.