Install CTE with COS Service
Answer the following prompts as described in this section.
When the installer asks about Cloud Object Storage, type Y and follow the prompts as shown.
You can only install the Cloud Object Storage feature during CTE installation. You cannot install it post installation.
Do not change the default CTE installation directory. CTE must be installed in the default location if you enable Cloud Object Storage.
Do you want this host to have Cloud support enabled on the server? (Y/N) [N]: Y CTE COS CA Cert is located in /opt/vormetric/DataSecurityExpert/agent/squid/etc/cosCA.crt Clients must be updated to use the new CA Certificate Generating certificate signing request for the kernel component...done. Signing certificate...done. Generating EC certificate signing request for the vmd...done.Signing certificate...done. Generating EC certificate signing request for the vmd...done. Signing certificate...done. The following is the fingerprint of the EC CA certificate. Please verify that it matches the fingerprint shown on the Dashboard page of the Management Console. If they do not match, it can indicate an unsuccessful setup or an attack. B0:93:C7:67:07:C9:CB:09:E2:21:F1:5C:8A:C8:79:8F:03:86:21:F2 Do the fingerprints match? (Y/N) [N]: Y Successfully registered the CipherTrust Encryption Expert File System Agent with the primary CipherTrust Data Security Server on Starting CTE Cloud Service Installation success.